The Here, Now

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I noticed that Zelensky will be travelling to Japan aboard a U.S. military aircraft.

I have never seen a US military aircraft with markings like this.

I have never seen a US military aircraft with markings like this.

View attachment 721661
From the article:

"He was expected to fly on a U.S. military plane to Hiroshima after a stop in Saudi Arabia to attend the Arab League summit"

But it appears he travelled aboard a French government plane for the entire trip (Saudi Arabia and Japan destinations) instead.
Hopefully this is not too political.

For those not aware of the apologies Japan has made over the last ~77.5 years re their wars and war-time behavior prior to WWII, during WWII, and since:

"List of war apology statements issued by Japan - Wikipedia."

For those not aware of the apologies the US has made over the last ~77.5 years re their wars and war-time behavior prior to WWII, during WWII, and since:

" "

To be fair, Obama sort of apologized for our treatment (imprisonment and torture) of the prisoners held at Guantanamo.

"We want to dramatically speed up Japan-U.S. cooperation, including on future technology development," Nishimura said at a news conference.

Nishimura proved himself unreliable lawmaker as a minister during the Covid.
Also, he ignores a historical fact that the US destroyed Japanese semiconductor industry during the US-Japan trade friction in the 1980s to transfer the technologies to China. As a result, Japanese workers today prefer tertiary industry to secondary industry. Thus, it will be harder to secure good workers unlike the "amateur" Nishimura pledges.
.... New Game.
Saw this announcement in Eurasia Times this AM but couldn't post the link here. But the visibility of an A sub(s) close to China - popping up and being re-supplied under Chinese noses - THIS IS A REVERSAL OF A-SUB STRATEGY. First - lets visit Korea :cool:. Then re-supply off the Philippines.:salute:
Show the fist .... China has myths about Sea Monsters.
The Chinese are masters of 'bluff' -- posture. Chinese history and society have taught them to be thus. It is wasteful and stupid to FIGHT - but unmanly to appear UNWILLING TO FIGHT.

So it is with PLAN arm. Subs and carriers.
But in the west Britain (+ ComCs), USA, France and (failed) Germany have culture and commitment to BLUE WATER NAVAL OPS. Japan -- student of the RN -- briefly out-mastered the master. IJN were masters of projecting force from the sea - until they met Admiral King.

So China is pushing out - but their defense isn't naval - it's the Chinese Deny/Access /Destroy system - this is CLEVER - very Chinese, But it won 't defend against the USN and allies mastering "shoot and scoot" scenarios. Each of these newly dredged islets will need to be 'defended'. Good luck. Landing party from sub takes out the garrison, carts off the 'paper work' and is gone. Combined Ops #1.

Carriers simply will not operate within range. They will treat the theater much as in Korea and Vietnam, but now stealth and drones.

Shoot and scoort subs launching swarms of drones can generate diversions. We are seeing this being perfected right now.

Question: Does PLAN have the manpower, fleet and leadership to take the defense out to blue water -- meet JAPAN, USA, GB, ANZAC navies? :cool:

You guess ...
All Chinese patrol boats evacuate from contiguous zone between China and Japan due to massive typhoon for the first time since January 25.
Yes, this is the origin of words Kamikaze wind :D



PAYBACK TIME .... my guess is Lil Kim is setting up to be Russia's new space partner. Least he can do after Russia was SO GENEROUS to his GrandsPa. :salute:

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