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Not sure where I read it but werent the German Paras on the point of running out of ammo when the Allied forces surrendered. A few more firefights going the Allied way or a few more German Paras not finding there supply cannisters and we might be discussing what if Crete had fallen what would be the consequences.
It nearly was a total strategic disaster for the Allies, another division or 2 and Rommel would have captured the Gulf.... apart from all the lovely oil for the Reich it would have largely cut off the USSR from US shipments.
Yet another total Churchillan C.F (in a very, very long list).
That does not amount to giving up without a fight. I would say that all the senior officers, Andrew, Hargest, Puttick, Freyberg, suffered a crisis of confidence that led to inaction and a lack of decisiveness. This was not unique to this group of British/Commonwealth officers in WW2.
Crete cannot be successfully defended using historical British forces.
If you want a successful defense then Britain needs to send a couple of fresh army corps (i.e. not beat up refugees from Greece) plus a couple hundred Spitfires plus a pile of logistical units to support this force. Where are you planning to obtain this force and what shipping are you using to keep it supplied?
Crete cannot be successfully defended using historical British forces.
If you want a successful defense then Britain needs to send a couple of fresh army corps (i.e. not beat up refugees from Greece) plus a couple hundred Spitfires plus a pile of logistical units to support this force. Where are you planning to obtain this force and what shipping are you using to keep it supplied?
I think Jim you should consider, that the operation Crete was a harum scarum operation.
It took only 4 weeks of preparation through the pressure of Barbarossa.
Also there were only very small and very few units from Regia Marina involved at the operation.
Many leading officers has heavily critized the lack of a proper preparation/ short preparation time, especially the lack of landing crafts and armed ship support through the Regia Marina.
If you look at the Malta thread there is a complete list of the landing craft capacity of Regia Marina at 1941.
I agree with your summary if only the german troops are involved, but if there would be a proper prepared combined landing at Crete 1 or 2 month (without Barbarossa) later, with massive support through the Regia Marina and LW, the defenders will have to my opinion no chance, the same as I said about Malta.
Mr Davebevder
This statement is inaccurate and far away from the truth. Read the opinions of the paratroopers that survived the battle . They were amazed that the operation succeded. Actually they could not believe that they survived the first night.
At the very least ,british could have mined the airfields ,and place obstacles on them. They diid nothing
They constructed the Maleme airfield ,just a few months before the battle, despite the fact that they did not have the aircrafts to use it. They served their plan to deliver the island to the germans
Germans had absolutely no way for a naval invation. They traditional fishing boats that they used ,even if they could reach crete would be totaly unsuitable for assault on defended coasts
All that Britain had to do was to order its troops to deliver their weapons to the greek units and the local population, and then leave
But THEY HAD TO BE SURE THAT THE ISLAND WOULD FALL, the last thing they needed was another greek miracle. So they remained
Mr Pattle and Mr Stona
I have walked all these battlefields, spoke to many veterans, i even spoke to several former german paratroopers.( Many of them were visiting the island for many years. Obviously the last years i havent met anyone)
They events around hill107 are not exactly as you describe them . But , EVEN IF THEY WERE, as you described them, the officers in question ,at the very least, should be accused as cowards in the face of the enemy. But nothing happened to them or their VC winner commander. Not even some punishement for being incompetents
Mr Old sceptic
Do you seriously suggest that the El Alamein battle was fought on even terms??? Come on now!!!!!!! British had massive advantage on everythig ,from supplies,tanks,aircrafts, artillery, broken codes of the enemy. And the majority of the axis forces were italians!The amazing thing was that it took then so long to win!!!
Without wanting to sound like I am going on .....