If Commonwealth forces had been successful in repelling the German airborne invasion of Crete in 1941 how if at all would this have altered the shape of the war?
Historian's tend to doubt whether the Allies could have supplied this island and also cast doubt over it's usefulness if successfully defended. There is however an opinion that Cretan airfields could have been used to destroy the Romanian oilfields which were crucial to the German war effort. Should the Germans have not been successful in conquering Crete then how would this have effected German plans for the invasion of the USSR?
It is the commonly held belief that's Crete's greatest contributions to the Allied war effort include that it's occupation absorbed a large number of German troops, destroyed Hitler's faith in the use of Paratroops and delayed Barbarossa, while on the other hand it's biggest contribution towards the Axis war effort was as a supply depot for the Axis forces in North Africa, should Crete not have been available as a supply depot to Rommel would his defeat have been any sooner or would the precious resources sent by the Allies from North Africa to defend Crete have weakened them enough to allow Rommel to achieve victory?
Historian's tend to doubt whether the Allies could have supplied this island and also cast doubt over it's usefulness if successfully defended. There is however an opinion that Cretan airfields could have been used to destroy the Romanian oilfields which were crucial to the German war effort. Should the Germans have not been successful in conquering Crete then how would this have effected German plans for the invasion of the USSR?
It is the commonly held belief that's Crete's greatest contributions to the Allied war effort include that it's occupation absorbed a large number of German troops, destroyed Hitler's faith in the use of Paratroops and delayed Barbarossa, while on the other hand it's biggest contribution towards the Axis war effort was as a supply depot for the Axis forces in North Africa, should Crete not have been available as a supply depot to Rommel would his defeat have been any sooner or would the precious resources sent by the Allies from North Africa to defend Crete have weakened them enough to allow Rommel to achieve victory?