The Last Liberator

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Nov 9, 2005
"This is not simply the story of the B-24 Liberator, but the story of the men and women who designed, built, maintained and flew it. If is the story of a Nation united, allies focused and determined. It is the story of thousands of individuals who played their parts in defeating an enemy. Its story is but one powerful symbol that illustrates the story of victory"

The only other B-24 airframe that is a potential candidate to fly is Kermit Weeks' machine in Florida. The Australian machine is absolutely gorgeous, but not airworthy. There are no other airframes out there to be rebuilt. The CAF, Gary Austin, did an incredible job of converting the LB-30 in to a B-24A, but it still lacks a proper bomb bay. The Whittington LB-30 is available but is a huge 10-15 year project. Last year they did a little bit of filming with us, but not much. I am curious to see how much they do this season. Our schedule is not conducive to a set filming schedule.

The Australian machine is absolutely gorgeous, but not airworthy.

From the sounds of things, even if/when they make it airworthy, it won't be flown, just taxied. Can't say I blame them, seeing as it's our last one.

Hopefully Kermit's Week will be restored - the world needs more WWII aircraft in the air.

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