The Legendary Betty pilot is alive!

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My way is not to take what people said so seriously as I'm not a young man anymore but -
He writes on the autograph cardboard of the post #71 "Always be relaxed (Do your best at 80%)".
He also murmurs in the cockpit video of post #77 "You can do anything if you want to do it".
Interesting that my 先生 , both of Iaido and Kyudo, tell me always the same thing: "Stay relaxed!"

I think that this Gentleman does not intend that he never had a glass or two of whisky or sake in his hands, but rather that he means "never too much".
Fortunately I do not have to stay relaxed when at the yoke of a Betty bomber attacking a U.S. Navy carrier...
Yes it is, Elmas. That's true.
I'm afraid that recent people may be forgetting how happy they were when the war was over.

Surely in wartime. The problem is wartime tests keep appearing in publications until today. The A6M2 speed of 533 km/h is perhaps the most famous example.
You know, I was thinking of creating accurate tests and tables for Japanese aircraft performance, but the problem is I can't find much accurate data.
Just found this thread and find it very interest, many thanks Shinpachi

Takahashi-san is quite an aviator!

Two points I find quite interesting:

-He considered G3M a better bomber than G4M. Did he elaborate the reasons why?

- In the second photo of post #32 in the left of the cockpit is an origami dangling. Was it any kind of good luck amulet Shinpachi?

I have no more Takahashi's testimonies about G4M in comparison with G3M than my old post as it said -

Yes, the origami crane is a good luck stuff gifted by a girl like a sister or a girl friend.

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