Who is the most effective/efficient post WW2 force. Note: not the largest or most powerful country in the world.
IMO it is Israel quite easily. The victories that they have won have been incredible and the ruthless efficientcy in which they operate is inspiring considering their tough location and situation.
While this is I suppose bias I also think that Australia has served itself very well in all theatres since WW2. Showing expertise, efficientcy and determination.
This countries in this poll are chosen mainly on their involvement in post war conflicts. Im sure I have missed some countries and I apologise if I have.
IMO it is Israel quite easily. The victories that they have won have been incredible and the ruthless efficientcy in which they operate is inspiring considering their tough location and situation.
While this is I suppose bias I also think that Australia has served itself very well in all theatres since WW2. Showing expertise, efficientcy and determination.

This countries in this poll are chosen mainly on their involvement in post war conflicts. Im sure I have missed some countries and I apologise if I have.