This is personally very interesting to me, PB. Until reading this, I had always thought that it was LeRoux who hit Rommel, but that's by the bye for now. The main thing is, my father, Dominic Fox, only established, about two years ago, that (perhaps distant) relatives in Canada had traced him, and got in touch with him at his home in the North East of England. Now, as I live almost 200 miles away, I didn't get to see much of my old Dad, especially as my disability now limits travel to an extent. But, he did briefly explain that relatives from his side of the family lived in Canada, that one of them had been a pilot during the war (Dad was Army), and that the (I think) grandchildren had been in touch. regretably, I can't find out more, as my Dad (born 1919) passed away last December, and virtually all personal documents etc had been disposed of before the family could intervene. (A rather 'sticky' case that I won't go in to here.) But, I wonder if there is a relationship? It would be remarkable if there is, I know, but interesting to find out.