The pilot who strafed Rommel

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Not to detract from the seriousness of the discussion, but... Double British Summer Time (DBST). Your kidding right. If that does not smack of John Cleese and Monty Python, I don't know what does.
pierre clostermann writes in his book the big show that a patrol from 602 sqdn
consisting of "le roux, jacques remlinger, mouse manson,jonssen the norwegian, robinson and bruce oliver" came upon some bf 109's and then noticed a large convertible escorted by motorcycles heading towards vimoutiers and whilst the rest took on the 109's bruce oliver followed by jacques remlinger dived on the car, oliver firing first and hitting the car.
clostermann goes on to say both pilots were interview at length by a large number of intel types that arrived at the sqdn the same evening.
he also timed the flight as taking off at 15.40 and landing at 16.50 with mouse manson missing.
he believes they were the ones that hit rommel
Unfortunately records have proven with all the times double talk etc and going through all the archives Brit Canadian German and US that it was a 412 bird
Matt, its people like you that cause unrest, you snotty-faced heap of parrot droppings!

Back on track. It does seem with the time differences that Fox is the culprit.
This is personally very interesting to me, PB. Until reading this, I had always thought that it was LeRoux who hit Rommel, but that's by the bye for now. The main thing is, my father, Dominic Fox, only established, about two years ago, that (perhaps distant) relatives in Canada had traced him, and got in touch with him at his home in the North East of England. Now, as I live almost 200 miles away, I didn't get to see much of my old Dad, especially as my disability now limits travel to an extent. But, he did briefly explain that relatives from his side of the family lived in Canada, that one of them had been a pilot during the war (Dad was Army), and that the (I think) grandchildren had been in touch. regretably, I can't find out more, as my Dad (born 1919) passed away last December, and virtually all personal documents etc had been disposed of before the family could intervene. (A rather 'sticky' case that I won't go in to here.) But, I wonder if there is a relationship? It would be remarkable if there is, I know, but interesting to find out.
I hate to throw a spanner in the works but the straffing of Rommel was carried out by 2 Spits of 602 Squadron piloted by New Zealander Bruce Oliver and Jaques Remlinger. 6 aircraft were in the flight Pilots,Le Roux( flight leader),Manson,Jonssen, Robinson,Remlinger and Oliver. Remlinger strafed and killed Rommels motor cycle escort after Oliver had strafed Rommels staff car. I did find a Col. Charley Fox in 412 Squadron but no mention of incident in the Squadron History.
All 602 Sqdn. Info. in a book called " The Big Show" by Pierre Closterman D.F.C. or in the 602 Sqdn. web site.

If you check out the facts 602 was flying from the UK and on double standard time amd 412 sqn was on the continent with just standard time , so 602 couldn't have even been there.etter yet read first post

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