At every Premier League football match from last weekend until November 11th there is a wreath of poppies presented, the last post played and a minutes silence, impeccably observed by multi ethnic crowds of up to 85,000 (Wembley tomorrow). The players have poppy motifs sown into their kit and in up coming internationals between home nations and others players will have a poppy motif on their arm bands. Players are not forced to wear the motif, a few have objected because of their Irish heritage and that is their right. Despite the efforts of "intellectuals" the wearing of the red poppy is more, not less popular. They have tried to ban it, they have tried to replace it with a white one, except no poem was written about white poppies. Now they are trying to shame those who wear it by trotting out the usual "racism" mantra. The rank and file of the UK population take no notice of these yearly "intellectual" outbursts and it drives them absolutely nutz when they realise that their great efforts actually make the poppy more popular.
There was a survey conducted by like minded people a few years ago that concluded that the UK was one of the most sexist countries in the world, worse even than Saudi Arabia. I am sure they were happy with their "shock result" anyone not involved just concludes surveys mean nothing and the worth of some education is questionable.
The man who wrote the article is a journalist for a struggling publication, he wants to make news not report it, he should have studied the idioms "over egging a pudding" and "the boy who cried wolf" before writing.