The Weather Where You Live? (1 Viewer)

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Fricken hot. It was 26 degrees C outside at 4am at the airport the other night while we were out doing engine runs. We've had bush fires that raged out of control for a day or two, but a fleet of 16 helos and several appliances from around the county worked hard to get them under control. The smoke turned the sun into a red fireball for most of the day.

Taken late afternoon:

Bush fire sun

Taken round 6:30pm:

Bush fire sun ii
Still sunny and warm, but not hot. Temps have died down a bit. Bush fires have flared up again, but they are being battled as we speak. I was up in Tasman last night and we could see them burning away, but nowhere near as bad as they were. People are still being evacuated as a precaution from nearby towns.
Here in Canberra into February, thank goodness! Hottest January in both Australian and Canberra history. Locally we had four consecutive days at 40 or above, a new record. Unusually Canberra was Australia's hottest capital numerous times during the month. To the west of us (lower and further inland) places like Wagga and Albury were up to 45!

My two least favourite months are January for the heat and July for the cold (can get down as low as -9 overnight).
Well! Adventurous day! Bush fires sparked off on the hills near my house, which meant all of us in the street went into panic mode and began packing for a quick evacuation. My lounge is still full of bags in case something happens tonight. We weren't told we had to go, but the fires were less than a kilometre away. Spent the day photographic helicopters putting out the fires near the house. Will post pics soon.
Gone from a pleasant 17C down to 6C day, 0C to -1C at night.
And my central heating is on strike, with the engineer on holiday !!!
Ah well, at least the beer in the kitchen stays cold !!!!
It's gas Mike, installed new around 16 months ago, with a 'combi' boiler.
It fires up, and the hot water (on demand) works, but no heating. Radiators have been bled, and the system is correctly pressurised.
I (and my landlord) suspect a faulty internal pump.
Meanwhile, I have a small heater going in the lounge, and I'm wearing a fleece and a padded body warmer - it's probably warmer outside than in the house !
Keeping my (stiff) fingers crossed that it will be sorted this week.
Water should circulate by sheer convection unless that bad pump is blocking the flow. We've got a heat pump system with about 843 safety interlocks. If a mouse farts too close to the house it shuts down. Fortunately two fire places keep it reasonable inside. Ceramic electric heaters are pretty cheap now. House wiring will easily support 1500W. Better than nothing
We have all electric house (south Louisiana) and to reduce the bill, switched to a ceramic electric heater three years ago and it heats the house with the boost from the ceiling fans. Mike's right in that it would be a good back up even in the north.
Same here. The dam is hydroelectric so electricity is reasonable. No natural gas this far out but propane is available though prices can vary considerably.
About 7 seven years ago a major ice storm hit and knocked out power for two weeks. Fireplaces kept it reasonably warm and a lot of cooking was on a propane grill on the back deck. Probably the worst thing was no hot water on tap for the entire two weeks and no power to the freezers

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