The Weather Where You Live? (5 Viewers)

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Rain, rain and more rain. It's been raining since Thursday, and suppose to continue thru Tuesday. Everything is soaked and/or water-logged. Temp at 0900 is 70F.

Looks almost as grey and heavy a downpour as we usually moan about Wayne; here today in central UK, it's near cloudless and high 20's C - gonna be one of hotest Septembers for many a year ere'. Its bally hot, bally loads of lasses out, and I'm definately gonna sink a pint or two watchin 'eye candy', hoping for that cooling breeze - sorry gals for being less subtle.
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LOL, He'd have to have some humongus moobs to even think of getting me anywhere that far without noticing he's exceptional un-androgenous looks... and if shes got a little pouch/purse dangling of here waistband, it means she ain't wearing a skirt but a kilt, and why do people wear them, kilts don't have zips, cos' sheep/farm-animals can hear em' a mile away.
After 12 months of no rain and several fires, we had thunderstorms come through last night. The temp wil be back to the high 90 F in a couple of days.

In a word: cool. Down to 57F, a good stiff breeze blowing and the clouds look like they are ready to rain on my parade at any moment.

Where did the summer go ?


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