The Weather Where You Live? (3 Viewers)

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Sunny, light cold wind and 10C. Lovely morning and the Kings Birthday holiday for them that want to hang onto the old ways! :lol: :lol:
9;30Am 85' with heat index of 92' but looking at the tropics nothing major models latching onto something TD/Ts by this W/E? ;)
It has been unusually dry here but we just had an outright frog-choker - as they call them in OK - and this was just a warm up for the rest of the week. Looks like 4X4 pickup truck WX at least until next weekend.
Was talking to my daughter is Seattle and she said it was a beautiful warm day there. I said it is freezing cold here, only 23. She said Seattle was 17. I shivered even more.
The tropical storm has landed. Steady rain for the last five hours, and I think it will get heavier tonight before it lightens up. Probably 2" so far today, another 4-6" projected between today and Friday. 75°F or so right now. Lovely weather so long as I'm not driving or grilling.
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