The Weather Where You Live? (1 Viewer)

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Was supposed to rain today, but its been snowing and the ground is covered.
Heard the sweet sound of warblers yesterday and I bet they wished they had
returned from the South a few days later.
Very windy and 72 F today.

Big storms raging through the Midwest today/tonight. We are currently under a Severe Thunderstorm/Tornado watch throughout the night. They said the storm was capable of producing strong tornadoes, baseball size hail and we are going to get 2+ inches of rain. Wish us luck...

Already getting dark out there, lightning and the thunder is rumbling.
75' today but on Tuesday we had some serious storms roll through.This is the first day back on the net since the storm.The pole out in front of the house took a hit and took out all four modems(four houses) attached to the pole ,my ethernet(computer) and two TV's.The house to the left of the pole in the pic lost part of the a/c unit and house down the street lost a couple of tv's also.


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