This day in the war in the Pacific 65 years ago.

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ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force) In the Aleutians, a weather reconnaissance aircraft flies. An attack run over Kiska and a patrol over Amchitka are call off due to weather. Air searches for the two B-24s missing since Monday continue.

SOUTH PACIFIC (Thirteenth Air Force) In the Solomons, B-17s, B-26s and P-39s pound a bivouac and other targets in Munda, New Georgia . B-17s also attack shipping east of Kieta, Bougainville . HQ Thirteenth Air Force transfers from Noumea, New Caledonia to Espiritu Santo , New Hebrides .

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC (Fifth Air Force) In the Bismarck Archipelago, B-17s bomb the airfield and shipping in Rabaul. In northeastern New Guinea, B-25s hit supply dumps and airfields. A single B-24 attacks a cruiser at Amboinea Harbor on Ambon. The 403d Bombardment Squadron, 43d BG with B-17s and B-24s transfers from Turnbull Field to Mareeba. The squadron will begin transitioning from B-17s to B-24s.

NEW GUINIE: The Buna and Gona area's have been cleared of Japanese troops.

GUADALCANAL: Since the request on January 12 for tank support to suppress the "Gifu" on Guadalcanal, engineers have been scratching out a road for them. Of 3 tanks inherited from the Marines, now manned by the 25th Div. Reconnaissance Squadron, only one reaches the area in operational condition. Commanded by Capt. Ted Deese the attack begins at 10:30 am. He makes two penetrations destroying 8 pillboxes and breaching a gap of almost 200 yards. This gap allows the 2nd Btn 35th Infantry to occupy a new line inside the outer rim of pillboxes.
ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force) In the Aleutians, weather reconnaissance over Kiska and a search mission for the two B-24s missing since Monday reveal nothing. Enemy aircraft appear over Amchitka twice but inflict no damage. Durint the period of 18 to 23 Jan, a period of continuous storms and sudden changes to extreme foul weather, non-combat losses are exceptionally high as 13 aircraft are lost; no losses result from enemy action.

CENTRAL PACIFIC (Seventh Air Force) 24 P-40Ks of the 78th Fighter Squadron, 18th FG, escorted by three LB-30s, fly from Barking Sands, Hawaii to Midway. This flight of about 1,100 nautical miles is the longest over-water massed flight of single-engine aircraft made as of this date. The 78th has been dispatched to Midway to replace the 73rd Fighter Squadron which has been on the since 17 Jun 42.

GUADALCANAL: US ground forces, aided by P-39s and USMC fighter-bombers, have by this date pushed up the Guadalcanal coast. The XIV Corps' westward advance captures Kokumbona and Poha on Guadalcanals coast. The enemy has now lost control of a good landing beach west of the airfields; captured with the beach are the artillery pieces that have menaced Henderson Field and the ground forces in the Mount Austen area. The enemy's supply routes, communications systems and ammunition dumps are also lost.
On Guadalcanal, an attack by an estimated 100 Japanese occurs about 2:30 AM from the "Gifu". Later that morning the 2nd Btn 35th Infantry formed skirmish lines and moved in. Captured were 40 mg; 200 rifles; and an estimated 431 Japanese soldiers dead. The stronghold has finally fallen after a month of isolation.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC (Fifth Air Force) In the Bismarck Archipelago, B-17s attack the airfields at Rabaul and shipping off Cape Gazelle. B-24s, operating individually, attack transports north of Rabaul and at Simpson Harbor, Rabaul. B-25s pound supply dumps in the terrace area of Lae. B-24s, operating individually, hit Madang and Finschhafen. HQ 317th Troop Carrier Group and its subordinate 40th, 41st and 46th Troop Carrier Squadrons with C-47s arrive at Garbutt Field from the US. The 63d Bombardment Squadron, 43d BG with B-17s transfers from Mareeba to 7-Mile Drome.

NEW GUINEA - U.S. - Australian counteroffensive secures Buna-Sanananda area.
ALASKA: Six heavy bombers and six medium bombers attempt an attack on Kiska . The medium bombers abort over Semiscopochnol. The heavy bombers circle Kiska until the weather closes in. Two Japanese aircraft bomb the Amchitka harbor area before US interceptors, six P-38s, and one B-24 arrive. Two P-38s return due to mechanical troubles; the others fly a negative search over Kiska.

CBI (Tenth Air Force) The 492d Bombardment Squadron, 7th BG (Heavy), not previously tried in battle, borrows four B-24s and one crew from the 436th Bombardment Squadron and mounts a nine-plane strike docks at Rangoon, Burma. Hits are scored on the wharves, storage areas and a 6,000-ton vessel in the harbor. P-40s bomb and strafe ammunition stores at Shaduzup, Burma.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC (Fifth Air Force) B-17s bomb the airfield, harbor and shipping at Rabaul. Single B-24s attack runways at Cape Gloucester and Gasmata. In New Guinea, B-25s hit supply dumps in the terrace area of Lae. B-24s bomb Dili. The 22d Troop Carrier Squadron, 374th Troop Carrier Group with C-47s transfers from Garbutt Field, Queensland, Australia to Port Moresby, New Guinea.

PACIFIC OCEAN: - USS Wahoo SS-238 damages Harusame off Kairiru.

NEW BRITAIN: Japanese transports begin to gather at Rabaul in preparation for the Japanese evacuation Japanese troops on Guadalcanal.

SOLOMON ISLANDS: Admiral Ainsworth leads a US naval taskforce into the Kula
Gulf to bombard a Japanese airfield site on Kolombangara north of Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands. Cruisers Honolulu, St. Louis, Nashville, Helena and destroyers Nicholas, DeHaven, Radford and O'Bannon are involved.
Later in the day, aircraft of CVG-6 in the aircraft carrier USS Saratoga, SBD'S of VB-6, F4Fs of VF-6 and TBFs of VT-6, bomb the same objectives.
ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force) In the Aleutians, P-38s are dispatched too late to engage two floatplanes bombing Amchitka. Reconnaissance is flown over Kiska, Buldir, Semichis, Attu and AgAttu. One B-24 and two P-38s fly two patrol missions over Amchitka. An attack mission to Kiska is turned back by weather. B-25s unsuccessfully search for missing aircraft.

CENTRAL PACIFIC (Seventh Air Force) Six B-24s carry out a photographic reconnaissance missions over Wake and drop 60 bombs. They claim one fighter shot down.

CBI (Tenth Air Force) In Burma, five B-25s of the India Air Task Force bomb the bridge (which the enemy is striving to rebuild) at Myitnge. The southern approach to the bridge is destroyed and repair work on the bridge suspended. Three B-25s add to the destruction at the Mandalay Marshaling Yard, tearing up tracks, wrecking about 75 railroad cars, and setting the freight house aflame. Three other B-25s inflict similar damage on the marshaling yard at Naba. Six B-24s pound the Rangoon dock area.

SOUTH PACIFIC (Thirteenth Air Force) In the Solomons, the final phase of the Guadalcanal offensive begins with orders to begin pursuit of the enemy along the northwestern coast toward Cape Esperance. The enemy retreat is to be cut off by the landing of a US battalion just southwest of the cape. B-26s and P-38s hit the airfield at Munda, New Georgia and bomb the wharf at Repirepi, demolishing it. Other P-38s bomb installations in the Rekata Bay area of Santa Isabel.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC (Fifth Air Force) In New Guinea, A-20s strafe areas in northeastern Papua where there appears to be some enemy movement. B-25s blast supply dumps and AA and machinegun positions around Lae. Single B-24s attack a beached ship at Finschhafen. Single B-24s attack runways on Gasmata and at Cape Gloucester.
ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force) In the Aleutians, all missions are cancelled due to weather. Two Japanese aircraft strafe Constantine Harbor, Amchitka .

CENTRAL PACIFIC (Seventh Air Force) Three B-24s, taking off from Funafuti fly a photographic reconnaissance missions over Tarawa, Maiana, Abemamam, Beru and Tomama. The heavy bombers attack merchant vessels in the lagoon at Tarawa. Not to be outdone by the 78th Fighter Squadron, P-40Es of the 73d Fighter Squadron, 318th Fighter Group, escorted by three LB-30s, fly from Midway to NAS Kaneohe, Territory of Hawaii, a distance of about 1,100 nautical miles. The 73d had been dispatched to Midway immediately after the Battle of Midway and had been flown off the deck of the USS Saratoga, the first land based fighters to take off from the deck of an aircraft carrier. The 371st Bombardment Squadron, 307th BG with B-24s ceases operating from Midway and returns to its base at Wheeler Field, Territory of Hawaii.

CBI (Tenth Air Force) In Burma, seven B-24s bomb shipping and the dock area at Rangoon; 12 B-25s bomb Mandalay Marshaling Yards. Three B-25s and 15 P-40s hit the town area and bridge at Shaduzup, the railroad west of Meza and the Neba Marshaling Yard.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC (Fifth Air Force) In the Bismarck Archipelago, B-17s bomb shipping and the Rapopo airstrip in the Rabaul area. B-24s carry out individual attacks on the runways at Cape Gloucester and Gasmata. A-20s and B-25s pound the Lae area, concentrating on supply storage dumps. B-24s carry out individual attacks on Finschhafen.
ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force) In the Aleutians, a negative weather reconnaissance sortie is flown over Kiska . Four P-38s fly protective patrol over Amchitka . Upon their departure, three Japanese aircraft appear and unsuccessfully bomb shipping but cause three casualties.

SOUTH PACIFIC (Thirteenth Air Force) B-17E 41-2403 ditches south of Guadalcanal. Passengers included Major General Nathan F Twining, Commanding General Thirteenth Air Force and a crew of 14 are down at sea between Guadalcanal and Espiritu Santo. The entire group is rescued six days later. General Twining's raft had no radio, an item which Lieutenant General Millard F Harmon, Commanding General of US Army Forces in the South Pacific, had been requesting for some time. This incident results in the rapid appearance of dinghy radio sets in the area. Six B-26s and eight P-39s attack the airfield at Munda.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC (Fifth Air Force) In New Guinea, A-20s hit huts and AA positions at Garrison Hill while B-25s pound the supply storage and runway at Lahang. Individual B-24s bomb Finschhafen town and the runway. In the Bismarck Archipelago, individual B-24s bomb the airfield on Gasmata.

PACIFIC: USS Whale damages Japanese transport Shoan Maru in the
central Pacific, 14.39;N, 153.39;E; towed to Saipan and grounded to facilitate salvage, Shoan Maru performs no more active service.
Japanese ship No.2 Choko Maru rescues about 1,000 survivors of army
cargo ship Buyo Maru, sunk the previous day by submarine USS Wahoo.
Japanese destroyer Karukaya is damaged off Takao, Formosa, by marine casualty.
Submarine I-27 is damaged by marine casualty off Penang, Malaya.
AUSTRALIA: The Japanese submarine I-165 left Surabaya on 21 January 1943 headed for the Western Australian coastline. It arrived at a position about 7 kms off the small township of Port Gregory, 64 kms north of Geraldton, at around midnight (Tokyo time) on 28 January 1943.
Commander Tatenosuke Tosu fired about 10 shells from the 3.9 inch (100 mm) deck guns of I-165 towards Port Gregory. The purpose of the attack was apparently to draw the Allies' attention away from the fierce battle at Guadalcanal some 3,250 kms away!!

ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force) In the Aleutians, a weather aircraft encounters poor visibility over Kiska . Two patrols fly over Amchitka. The second runs into poor weather and aborts. An attack on Kiska is cancelled due to weather.

CENTRAL PACIFIC (Seventh Air Force) One B-24 flies photographic reconnaissance over Nauru and Ocean in the Gilbert .

SOUTH PACIFIC (Thirteenth Air Force) Five B-26s and 12 P-39s attack the airfield at Vila. P-38s and P-40s, along with Navy aircraft, hit shipping between Choiseul and Kolombangara, claiming hits on a tanker and a smaller vessel.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC (Fifth Air Force) In New Guinea, A-20s bomb the area from Garrison Hill to the Komiatum Track and B-17s hit the Wewak area. B-24s carry out individual attacks at Salamaua. In the Bismarck Archipelago, B-24s carry out individual attacks on a cargo vessel in Open Bay and a nearby village. In the Dutch East Indies, B-24s in individual attacks bomb a transport off Amboina, Ambon. HQ 3d Bombardment Group (Dive) and its 8th Bombardment Squadron (Dive) with A-20s and 90th Bombardment Squadron (Dive) with B-25s transfer from Charters Towers, Queensland, Australia to Port Moresby, New Guinea.

Wessel Islands:

HMAS Kuru rescues survivors from HMAS Patricia Cam after it was attacked by a Japanese float plane (Aichi E13A) of the 734th Kokatai.
18 were rescued in total.



Battle of Wau begins and heavy fighting begins. The Japanese attacked the airfield at Wau at the head of the Bulldog Track. This was the second track inland, the other being the Kokoda Track. Poor weather had hampered the resupply of Wau. By 29 Jan 43, the Japanese had advanced to within 50 metres of the airstrip. On that day the weather cleared and as planes began to land, 17 Bde a counter-attack with effective artillery support. The Japanese resisted with their usual vigour
GUADALCANAL: The Japanese submarine I-1 is detected off Guadalcanal by New Zealand corvettes Moa and Kiwi. The I-1 was making a supply run and is loaded with cargo for Guadalcanal. After depth charging and ramming by Kiwi,
the I-1 serverly damaged is run aground on Guadalcanal. This submarine
proves to be a treasure trove of intelligence material.

ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force) In the Aleutians, weather reconnaissance over Kiska and a patrol over Rat , flown by one B-24, two B-25s and four P-38s, are recalled early due to weather. All other missions are cancelled.

SOUTH PACIFIC (Thirteenth Air Force) B-26s and P-39s hit a bivouac area at Vila, and the airfield at Munda. B-17s bomb Kahili Airfield. The 67th Fighter Squadron, 347th Fighter Group based in New Caledonia with P-39s begins operating from Guadalcanal. This squadron will continue to operate from Guadalcanal until June 1943.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC (Fifth Air Force) B-25s pound the area around Mubo, concentrating on positions on Garrison and Mat Mat Hill. Single B-24s bomb runways at Cape Gloucester and Gasmata
ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): In the Aleutians, two patrols, each composed of one B-25 and four P-38s, fly over Amchitka and are recalled early due to weather. One B-17, upon an alleged submarine sighting, drops four depth charges and one bomb whereupon a whale breaks water. Weather cancels other missions.

SOUTH PACIFIC (Thirteenth Air Force): AA positions and the airfield area at Munda are pounded by B-17s, B-26s, P-39s and P-40s.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC (Fifth Air Force): In the Bismarck Archipelago, B-17s bomb shipping and wharf facilities at Rabaul. B-24s, operating individually, bomb the runway at Gasmata and attack a transport vessel in Open Bay. A-20s strafe and bomb Lae and the area around Mubo in the vicinity of Garrison Hill and along the Komiatum Track.

SOLOMON SEA: USS Chicago damAged yesterday during the Battle of Rennell Island is attacked while being towed clear of the combat zone, and sunk.
Northern Territory:
On 31 January 1943, while returning from a dawn raid on Dili, two B-25 Mitchells from 18 Squadron of the Netherlands East Indies Air Force (NEI-AF) made forced landings short of their home base at McDonald airfield in the Northern Territory due to a shortage of fuel. There were no casualties.
One of these two aircraft was B-25C Mitchell, N5-139 (#41-12913) which made an emergency landing in an area east of Tree Point, south west of Darwin (about 30 - 40 kms NNE of Port Keats) on 31 January 1943. This aircraft was written off and Struck Off Charge (SOC).


457 Squadron returned to front-line service on 31 January 1943. Re-equipped with Spitfires, it was based at Batchelor in the Northern Territory and joined 1 Fighter Wing, defending Darwin. The squadron relocated to Livingstone on 31 January where it remained until it transferred to the newly-formed 80 Wing and moved to Sattler on 13 May 1944. During the squadron's time as part of Darwin's air garrison it detached aircraft on several occasions to Milingimbi, Drysdale, Perth and Exmouth. While at Livingstone, the squadron was re-equipped with an updated version of the Spitfire, imported from Britain, which arrived in a grey and green camouflage scheme. This led to the squadron nicknaming itself the "Grey Nurse Squadron" and adorning its aircraft with a distinctive shark's mouth on the nose.

New Guinea:

On 31 January 1943 No. 4 Squadron was re-deployed to Wau where it participated in the Battle of Wau.
ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force) In the Aleutians, a weather and photographic reconnaissance aircraft flies twice over Kiska . During the first mission near Attu , the aircraft is jumped by 6 fighters which it eludes. Four B-17s, 2 B-24s, 6 B-25s, 4 P-38s and 4 P-40s then attempt an attack on Kiska; P-40s turn back with mechanical troubles; the other aircraft find Kiska closed in and abort the mission. Two patrol missions, each by 1 B-25 and 4 P-38s, fly over Amchitka ; two enemy floatplanes bomb Constantine Harbor on Amchitka without results.

SOUTH PACIFIC (Thirteenth Air Force USN) P-39s join SBD Dauntless and F4F Wilcats of VMF-112 in attacks on shipping in the Vella Gulf; hits are claimed on a destroyer. Sunk is Toa Maru 2. Lost are F4F 11983 and F4F "Impatient Virgin" 03520 (pilot Jefferson J. De Blanc earns Medal of Honor). B-17s bomb the ammunition dump and airfield at Vila. P-39s, P-38s and P-40s, and other Allied fighters, carry out sweeps over Vila and Munda.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC (Fifth Air Force) A-20s continue to pound positions between Mubo and Komiatum. A lone B-17 bombs the runway at Wewak. In the Bismarck Archipelago, B-17s pound airfields, shipping and the town area at Rabaul while a single B-24 bombs the runway at Cape Gloucester. In the ocean areas, B-24s unsuccessfully attack isolated vessels over widespread areas in the Banda Sea and Solomon Sea.
In the Aleutians, all missions are cancelled due to weather. Enemy aircraft bomb and strafe Amchitka harbor and shipping without inflicting damage.

CENTRAL PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Seventh Air Force) The 424th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 307th Bombardment Group with B-24s ceases operating from Funafuti Atoll in the Ellice and returns to base (Dillingham Field, Territory of Hawaii).

CBI (Tenth Air Force) In Burma, 7 B-24s of the India Air Task Force from Pandaveswar, India bomb the Arakan tea sheds on the Rangoon River near Rangoon harbor. The 9th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron, Tenth Air Force, with F-4s, is based at Pandaveswar, India with a detachment at Kunming, China. A detachment of the detachment begins operating from Kweilin, China sometime in February 1943. On 6 Feb 43, this squadron is redesignated the 9th Photographic Squadron.

SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force) P-38s, P-39s and P-40s, along with Navy and Marine aircraft, attack 4 destroyers of the Tokyo Express north of Vangunu ; unlike previous missions, these destroyers are dispatched to evacuate the Japanese troops from Guadalcanal. Hits on 2 of the ships cause fires. At night, 19 more destroyers come in, evacuate troops and, after losing one destroyer to a mine, are well away by dawn. B-17s attack shipping in the Shortland-Bougainville area, claiming 3 direct hits on cargo vessels. Lost is B-17E 41-9151 , B-17E "Eager Beavers" 41-9122 and B-17E "Yokohama Express" 41-2442. A fourth plane, piloted by a Capt. Thomas (72nd BS/5th BG), was badly damaged but managed to crash land at Guadalcanal. Two crew members (radio and bombadier) were wounded.

GUADALCANAL - Japanese begin to evacuate troops from Guadalcanal

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force) In the Bismarck Archipelago, B-17s bomb the runway and aircraft dispersal areas at Rabaul, New Britain. A lone B-24 bombs the runway at Finchhafen, then flies east where it bombs the runway at Cape Gloucester and unsuccessfully attacks a ship in Open Bay.

GUADALCANAL: The 2nd Btn 132nd Regiment with 4 75mm howitzers of the 4th Battery 10th Marines is landed on the south coast of Guadalcanal north of Verahue. A Japanese recon pilot reports the escorting destroyers as cruisers. This misidentification results in an airstrike which sinks destroyer DeHaven 2 miles southeast of Savo Island in the afternoon.
18 Japanese destroyers make the trip down the slot to Guadalcanal. They are on the first of the evacuation runs. Loading 4,935 troops as Kamimbo and Cape Esperance against fierce opposition from
US PT Boats, they return to the Shortlands with the loss of one destroyer, IJN Makikumo. Either a mine or torpedo from a PT boat left her without power and she was scuttled.
US destroyers Radford, Fletcher and Nicholas are spotted by a "Pete" which drops flares. The loss of surprise renders any chance of success for Captain Briscoe and Desron 21 to join the fight as futile.

NEW GUINEA: The Australians repel the Japanese less than 400 yards from Wau, New
Guinea, airfield.
CBI (Tenth Air Force) In Burma, P-40s strafe aircraft, AA positions and targets of opportunity at Kentung. The 1st Troop Carrier Squadron, Tenth Air Force, attached to the India-China Wing, Air Transport Command, with C-47s arrives at Chabua, India from the U.S.

SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force) B-17s, along with escorting P-40s and P-38s, attack shipping off Shortland. Of 20 Japanese aircraft which intercept, 9 are claimed destroyed. Other B-26s, P-38s and P-39s attack Munda Airfield on New Georgia. The 18th Photographic Mapping Squadron, 4th Photographic Group with B-25s transfers from Dumbea, New Caledonia to Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides. The bulk of the air echelon remains in the U.S. This squadron is redesignated 18th Photographic Squadron on 6 Feb 43.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force) In the Bismarck Archipelago, B-17s bomb the airfield at Rabaul. B-24s attack shipping between Lolobau and New Britain and north of Open Bay, bomb Gasmata runway and hit Timika. In New Guinea, A-20s continue to bomb and strafe positions on the high points between Mubo and Komiatum. The 319th Bombardment Squadron , 90th BG with B-24s transfers from Iron Range, Queensland, Australia to Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.
SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force) P-39s, P-38s and P-40s, along with Navy and Marine aircraft, attack Munda Airfield.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force) A-20s continue to strike along the Mubo-Komiatum Track. B-25s bomb Dobo on Wamar. B-17s and B-24s attack the runway on Gasmata, Simpson Harbor, the Cape Gazelle area and Cape Gloucester Airfield.
Northern Territory:

On 5 February 1943, B-25C Mitchell, N5-132 (#41-12919) of 18 Squadron of the Netherlands East Indies Air Force (NEI-AF) crashed about 3 to 4 miles east of its home base at McDonald airfield in the Northern Territory. The whole crew of seven, which included 3 RAAF personnel were tragically killed as follows:-


The aircraft card of N5-132 says: "N5-132 #41-12919 B-25C crashed on t/o from McDonald, 7 KIA.

The aircraft was heavily loaded because its targets were at maximum range. N5-132 crashed during take-off, caught fire and exploded because of the full fuel load


Australian Government rules: Defence Act amended to allow conscription for military service within a limited area south of the Equator beyond the Australian mainland and territories

New South Wales:
The 9th Australian Division (AIF) is now based at Wallgrove Army Base in New South Wales, west of Sydney in February 1943 after being returned from North Africa.

Milne Bay:

RAAF squadrons 6 ( Hudsons), 75 ( Kittyhawks ), 78 ( Kittyhawks ) and 100 ( Beauforts ) become No. 71 wing.

Port Moresby:

RAAF squadrons 4 ( Wirraways ), 22 ( Bostons ) and 30 ( Beaufighters ) become No. 73 wing.
ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force) In the Aleutians, six B-24s, three B-25s, three B-26s and ten P-40s en route to Kiska, are forced back near Segula by snow squalls and low ceiling. The weather aircraft flies unsuccessful reconnaissance over Kiska and photographic reconnaissance is flown over Amchitka. An OA-10 investigates flares reported near Kagalaska Strait.

CBI (Tenth Air Force) In Burma, heavy bombers from Gaya and Pandaveswar, India pound the marshaling yard at Mandalay, halting the northbound flow of supplies. Tracks and cars in the southern half of the marshaling yard are heavily bombed, causing fires visible for 70 miles. Heavy bombers also damage a 15,000-ton transport at the mouth of the Rangoon River. Meanwhile, one B-25 and nine P-40s hit rail targets at Naba.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC (Fifth Air Force) B-26s pound the Sanananda Point area as preparations for an allied offensive in that sector get underway. A-20s and B-25s hit the airfield and AA positions and buildings at Lae. B-24s, on single-plane flights, bomb the Lae airfield and attack schooners off Gasmata and Cape Kwoi in the Bismarck Archipelago.
CBI (Tenth Air Force) In Burma, 6 B-24s bomb the railroad station area at Rangoon. P-40s bomb a railway cut west of Meza, and having blocked the line, strafe a halted train. Six B-25s attack the Myitnge bridge but fail to knock out the target but damage the approaches. P-40s hit targets of opportunity in the Kentung area.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force) B-17s bomb Rabaul Airfield. Heavy bombers carry out individual attacks on shipping off Papua and New Britain and hit the town of Rabaul and the airfield at Gasmata. In the Moluccas, B-24s blast docks and shipping at Amboina. In New Guinea, B-25s hit Dobo. A-20s continue to bomb and strafe forces around Zaka, Sappa, Mubo and Gona. Lost on a training flight is B-25C 41-12502.
ALASKA In the Aleutians, a weather reconnaissance is flown over Kiska and Attu

CBI (Tenth Air Force) In Burma, 16 fighters follow the Mali River to Hpunkizup where they destroy about 20 trucks loaded with bridge repair equipment and completely decimate the village. Heavy bombers attack the bridge at Myitnge but fail to seriously damage the target.

SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force) The 370th and 424th Bombardment Squadrons (Heavy), 307th Bombardment Group based at Kipapa Field and Dillingham Field, Territory of Hawaii respectively with B-24s begin operating from Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides. The 371st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 307th Bombardment Group based at Wheeler Field, Territory of Hawaii with B-24s begins operating from Canton in the Phoenix.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force) A-20s bomb and strafe forces along the track from Mubo to Komiatum to Salamaua and hit the enemy in the Mambare River delta. An Australian coast watcher reports that there are 60+ Japanese aircraft on Lae Aerodrome; 7 B-25s, 1 B-24, 22 P-38s, 11 P-39s, 5 P-400s and 8 P-40s plus 5 Royal Australian Air Force Beaufighters to attack the airfield. When they arrive, they find the airfield empty; the Japanese are attacking Wau Airfield. The airfield is attacked and bombed and on the way back to base, shot down is C-47 "Early Delivery" 41-38658. Allied aircraft encounter 9 Japanese bombers escorted by several dozen Zekes. In the melee that follows, we claim 25 aircraft shot down without any losses; 12 Zekes were shot down by the P-39s and P-400s of the 40th Fighter Squadron, 35th Fighter Group while the 7th Fighter Squadron, 49th Fighter Group with P-40s claim 7. A single B-24 hits cargo vessels off Finschhafen and Powell Point, claiming 1 vessel destroyed, and attacks troop barges in Riebeck Bay, causing several casualties. The 80th Fighter Squadron, 8th Fighter Group with P-39s and P-400s transfers from Port Moresby to Mareeba. This unit has been operating in New Guinea since Jul 42.

IJN - Japanese attack Wau Airfield and destroy Wirraway A20-504 on the airstrip.
ALASKA: (Eleventh Air Force) In the Aleutians, 1 B-17 flies weather reconnaissance over Kiska.

SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Thirteenth Air Force) During the night, the third and last Tokyo Express comes down to Guadalcanal covered by a rain squall. The three Expesses have taken off 11,706 men from Guadalcanal to fight another day. The 12th Fighter Squadron, 15th Fighter Group with P-39s transfers from Efate, New Hebrides to Guadalcanal, Solomons.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force) A single B-24 bombs Dobo and Babo, while another bombs Timika and Kaukenau. Lost after take off for an armed reconnaissance mission is B-24D "Yanks From Hell" 41-23755.

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