Well, Mr. Rod Lewis owns TWO Tigercats and races them at Reno ... and goes pretty darned fast. Ask the people he beats! He KNOWS what the boopk says for the Remo altitude and KNOWS what his do there.
Thanks for posting photographs.
The point I was trying to make was that to prove you can beat the book specifications with military equipment installed, you would be flying with self sealing fuel tanks, ballasted for armament, ammunition and equipment weight differences such as the old heavy radios.
To make a speed run at the atitudes required for maximum level speed, you would need to get up to 25-30,000 feet which means you would be on oxygen.
To get the maximum engine output, you would be running at War Emergency Power which would require Water Injection.
I just can't imagine someone willing to do this to a 60-70 year old airframe with very expensive engines.
At low altitude, even the Flugwerk FW 190As with their Shvetsov radials will go about the same speed as the originals or perhaps even better but I don't think they will beat the originals in maximum level speed at 20,000 feet.
- Ivan.