Top Ten Twin-Engine Fighters of World War II

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Hi Shortround6 and drgondog,

Okay thanks a lot for all the informative information - especially regarding the A-20

I stuck to the A-20 due to the time frame Dec 1941- Dec 43 in regards to the PTO and ETO, since AFAIK a P-47, P-51 or A-26 didn't exist in numbers at the time.

If the general consent it that P-40, Wildcat, Hellcat and P-39 weren't enough to handle the Japanese fighters and therefore the P-38 was needed - I can accept that
If the general consent is that P-40, Tomahawk, Hurricanes, Spitfires, Mosquitos, Typhoon and Beaufighters, couldn't handle the Luftwaffe and the Italians
and therefore needed the P-38 - I can accept that too.

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I never said replace - you brought that particular wording up

I said / wrote, that the A-20 could do the same job, Besides dog-fighting against fighters for which it wasn't built -sure
And that the P-40, P-39 and Wildcat were responsible to take care of the Japanese fighters so that the A-20 can fulfill its mission.

And as I have already replied to others, if the general consent is that the P-38 was still needed - I can accept that.

I never said replace - you brought that particular wording up

I said / wrote, that the A-20 could do the same job, Besides dog-fighting against fighters for which it wasn't built -sure

Here's what you wrote:

"An A-20G could have done the same job, and just as a lucky and skilled Luftwaffe pilot in a Bf 110 downing a Spitfire, an A-20G could have (maybe even did?) down a Zero."

There's no way any A-20 of any mark could have filled the role of the P-38, lucky kills aside.
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The USA produced over 10,000 P-38s, Germany produced just over 6,000 Bf 110s. The USA operated more than 100 Beaufighters and more than 100 Mosquitos on reverse lend lease which is more than the 90 Bf 210s Germany produced for itself before reverting to Bf110 production.
No, it couldn't do the same job as the P-38.
I will note that the P-38 had a very good climb rate which is advantage for a fighter. Obviously the rate of climbed a bit from model to model.
The Early Bf 110 was not bad (since it was a bit earlier in time than the P-38) but the early 110s could hold their own or outclimb the MK I Hurricane.
The Hurricane could outturn the 110 but it couldn't do it for long before being forced to descend.

The 110 had some cards to play in 1940, it just couldn't play the same ones as some of the single seat fighters. Unfortunately for the Germans, some of those cards were removed from the deck by bad tactical orders. (close escort).
If the 110 (and the 109s) slowed down to the speed of the bombers they lost the energy state they needed to keep their edge. The 110s took longer to get up to combat speeds.

There is a lot of stuff that goes into air to air combat aside from top speed and a few other simple things.

The Mosquito usually could not climb for crap. Since climb rate is an indicator (just an indicator not a guarantee) it probably means the Mosquito has no business getting into a turning fight. Keep the speed up, use short turns to throw off the enemy aim and look to disengage.
I tend to put a lot of stock in rate of climb, could be wrong but I figure a plane with a high rate of climb has a a low power loading which should (but not always) translate into high acceleration.
Finding actual measured acceleration is often difficult.

Top speed is about the worst as some very heavy but streamline planes can have high speed but crappy climb and crappy acceleration.
Hi John Vasco

thanks a lot for posting these letters, indeed very interesting to read upon
Lovely photo - so who is the young chap standing next to you?

I guess you and I still got to talk to many veterans in just the right time. Most of the information I drew was in-between 1978 to 1985, therefore these man were around
60-70 years old. Memory hadn't failed or mislead them yet, even though some boasting or "exaggeration" (once they were amongst themselves) did occur.

Unfortunately I only got to meet one American USAAF and a remarkable British RAF veteran pilot (Scottish actually) whereby the latter got to fly a Corsair on a Brit. Carrier in the Mediterranean towards wars end. He always got to smile and shake his head when his three sons, their German friend, two French mates and me met for micro amour war-gaming
on weekends.
"Have you got words - we were killing each other and now the same guys are friends and getting their heads into war-gaming"

In regards to Walter Witt, I assume you won't be able to get much information - so see a bit in a paper clipping - that man had stern eagle eyes, promise you.

As for Erich - in case you haven't read, he also seems to appear at this Forum from time to time - the Forum I got to know him was

Even though it doesn't belong into this thread; but most remarkable to me were the actual occurrences regarding their Luftwaffe flight-school period - and the later conducted
training at their respective assigned units, which explains a lot if not almost everything in regards to kills, attitude and overall performance of the Luftwaffe during WW2.



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Hi J Jagdflieger and wellcome to the forum.

In the eastern front the Bf 110 lingered as a fighter for long. Don't forget about JG 77 and JG 5 Eismer and its zërstorer staffels.

They were used both in offense and defence, performing Frei Jagd against the soviets well in to 1942 and dealing with s.e. fighters and making some aces in the process, like Theodor wWeissenberger and Felix María Brandis, amongst others.

BTW, in A History of the Mediterranean Air War (MAW) by Shores et al, I think in vol. 3, there is recorded a combat in north africa (either over Libia or Tunisia) were 4 Bf 110 were pited against 8 Spitfires and 2 from each side were shot down. Sure, was a 50% loss for the Bf 110s but it was also a 25% loss for the Spits. While I can't remember the exact date, place or vol for MAW I do remember very well the number and type of plane cos it struck me that what should had been a turkey shoot for the Spits (IIRC the Spits had height advantage or surprise with them) it wasn't onesided at all.

Maybe if some one have a copy of MAW could look for the details. I don't have mine with me.
The Bf 110, 210 and 410 were helpless against the P-51B and the ZG units were forced to convert to Fw 190A-8 because there was no safe haven in the Reich.
Hi all,

I'm new here.

I thought you might enjoy this top 10 of twin-engined aircraft: Top Ten Twin-Engine Fighters of World War II

Look forward to chatting planes with you people
That was a cute article. It was wise of them to select the Mosquito as the best fighter, although they could have selected a photograph of a fighter version. There are photos of them out there you know.

"Twin engined fighter" is a pretty broad category. The Ju-88 was used effectively as a night-fighter, so it belongs on the list. Are these aircraft equivalent? The Westland Whirlwind and the Lockheed P-38 Lightning were single seat fighters. The Messerschmitt Bf-110s, Ju-88s and Mosquitos were bigger aircraft with room for radar and a radar operator.

I actually do not like top ten lists very much. Do the authors really know their subject? Note once again, the photo of the Mosquito, which appears to be a photo reconnaissance version with American markings. If I were presenting myself as an expert on twin engined fighter aircraft, I would get this detail right.

Shot down more than Bf 109s combined? I don't think so; not even close. Perhaps you meant it shot down more airplanes than all other German night fighters combined. That is likely true.

The second pic was a Vickers Type 432. While it didn't perform as well as specified, it certainly LOOKED the part. Perhaps it needed only minor development and perhaps it WAS a flop. So little is known about it that it is hard to say for sure. See below:

I wouldn't pic a Mosquito or a Ju 88 to be in a list of best fighters ever. Great twin engine airplanes? Certainly. I might have added a few here and there, but it's tough to think of successful twin fighters after the P-38, the Beaufighter, the Whirlwind, and the He 219. There WERE a few "might have beens," including the Fw 187 with DB 601s, The P-38 with 2-stage Merlins that never flew, and a few others. The Whirlwind, it seems to me, never WAS developed into what it might have been, and I can lay the fault for that right at the feet of whoever picked the engines for it. The engine size and output was never ripe for development, but they made a pretty decent little fighter out of it anyway.

My favorite "might have been" would be the I.Ae.30 Nancu of 1948. It was solidly in the WWII technology block, with a pair of Merlins to boot, but flew after the war and wasn't produced apart from the prototype. Unfortunately, it came out right when jets were going faster easily ... faster than 460 mph, anyway. But, it had the firepower (6 * 20 mm cannons!), handling, and speed to be at the top of the piston twin fighter class. See below:

Definitely performed like a winner and never got the chance to try. That can be said about many prototypes. F-20 Tigershark, anyone? How about the F5D Skylancer? Or the Super Crusader? From WWII, I could pick the XP-72 as maybe the best real-life potential for a "might have been." 490 mph and 5,230 fpm climb from prototypes that never got the engine they intended for it.

R-4360 that was intended for a remote supercharger as the second-stage feeding the integral R-4360 supercharger.

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Maybe the Bf-110s had tactical surprise. I would expect casualties in air combat to vary wildly from combat to combat. A single incident does not prove anything.

Most Spitfires in the desert had those big, ugly air filters below the nose, which took something like 20mph off the top speed. Maybe they were inferior.

In my experience, whether it's "Top Ten Twin Fighters", or "Top Ten Rock Albums". or "Top Ten Shakespeare Plays", the intent is as much to spark discussion as anything else. Sure, there's egos involved, but even when the presenter is clearly biased, the discussion that follows, as is the case here, can be really informative ... so I don't mind 'em so much.
I suppose the way I look at it, the way to understand these lists is to look at them and think "would I come back from a mission in one of them?"

The one twin I'd want to go into combat in WWII would be a gun nose A-20C. All the others are good aircraft, but if I had the choice, that's the one I think I could get into, fly the missions and be most likely to come back home. I'm probably wrong but what the heck, that's what these threads are for.
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