Tornado F3?

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Tech Sergeant
May 29, 2006
North Carolina
Anyone have any experience with any of the available kits in 1/72 scale for the Tornado F3? I believe Revell and Hasegawa both have a kit for the F3 but there are some questions on the accuracy of the Hasegawa kit. I believe Revell also has a Tornado ADV F.MK.3 as well a relatively new Gr1 which is supposed to be superb.

I know this is a bit out of place for a WW2 forum but I hoped someone here might have some answers. :D
I'm afraid the only experience I have , in 1/72nd scale, is of the Airfix Tornado F3. To me, it seemed rather plain, but then I am used to larger scales, but it went togther easily enough, without any major problems that I recall. I have to admit though, at the time, I was building it to use for poses for one of my paintings, so wasn't really going into detail. I actually bough two, one of which I gave to rochie recently, but whether this kit is still available, I don't know. I believe the Revell kit is rather good, and I think might be re-boxed Italeri.
Thanks Terry. :D

You're right about the Revell F3 - it's a reboxed Italeri mold. The Revell GR1 is a new casting. The Airfix kits are definitely not up to the Revell level, and from one posting over at, the Revell Gr1 is a cut above the Revell F3 as well.

Hasegawa has an Operation Telic F.Mk3 as well as a 25th Squadron F.Mk3 and a Gr1 from Desert Storm.

I found both the Revell Gr1 and F3 on line for 11$ each, and the Hasegawa kits are going for around 23$ each. I was hoping that someone would know whether the Hasegawa kits are worth twice the price, especially over the Revell Gr1.
From what I've read, I'd say no. Bear in mind this is not 'my' scale, but I have seen comments about the Hasegawa kit not being as good, or as accurate in outline, as even some of the older kits, including the Airfix one. I know the latter is not up to the Revell standard, being first issued around the mid 1980's, but it did look accurate. The Rvell (ex-Italeri) F3 comes out over Hasegawa, and the Revell GR3 above both, regarding accuracy etc, according to the bulk of the reviews or articles I've seen.l
Well that pretty well tears it. Sounds like revell gets the cash and I save 12 bucks which I will go ahead and spend on another kit anyway. :lol:
Well that pretty well tears it. Sounds like revell gets the cash and I save 12 bucks which I will go ahead and spend on another kit anyway. :lol:

Looking into your thread I came across this site that may give you some pointers. Like Terry I'm a 1:48 man and am just completing an Italeri F.3 Tornado kit which is being followed up by a couple of the same in a very inferior Airfix kit.

Tornado page 2 Gal_Fea Archives

Hope it's of help
:hotsun: :hotsun:
Useful stuff there Vic, thanks. Now that I've seen decent pics of the Airfix 1/48th F3, and know it's shortcomings, I think I might go with it for the 56 Sqn build, seeing as I can't get anything else until the Hobby Boss kit is released. I reckon I can do a reasonable job on it, and as I can obtain it at half price, I think it's worth the risk!
Looking into your thread I came across this site that may give you some pointers. Like Terry I'm a 1:48 man and am just completing an Italeri F.3 Tornado kit which is being followed up by a couple of the same in a very inferior Airfix kit.

Tornado page 2 Gal_Fea Archives

Hope it's of help
:hotsun: :hotsun:

Thanks Vic. The review by Patrick Vossenberg will help a lot. Especially since I wanted to do the Gr1 in the Opeartion Granby scheme. :D Now to see if i can find the right decals for it. :D
I'm not sure, but I think I saw 1/72nd scale decals for Op Granby, covering Tornados, Buccaneers and Jaguars, at Hannant's web-site. I think they might be Xtradecal sheets.
I'm not sure, but I think I saw 1/72nd scale decals for Op Granby, covering Tornados, Buccaneers and Jaguars, at Hannant's web-site. I think they might be Xtradecal sheets.

Checking Hannants out now. :D

Bugger ..... found one set and it's not really what I want. Still looking
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Here's a quick shot to be going on with.I'll post a couple more here, and e-mail the rest - there's a lot!
This is a GR1 (GR4 update I believe), in the later grey scheme, taken at Duxford a month ago. The ordnance and some of the details might be useful for now.


  • Czech 014.jpg
    Czech 014.jpg
    95.6 KB · Views: 117
Awesome pic. :D

Decals aren't looking good ..... Xtradecal did a TON of them for Op. Granby and I couldn't find any at Hannants, the only one I could find was a Hi Decal sheet.
Kgambit , I have a revell Tornado , no idea what one it is ( Luftwaffe Tigermeet boxing)

Its a great kit by the looks of it though , real nice recessed detail

Want some pics? I'm proberly gonna build it soon
Dwight, I might be wrong about the decals being Xtradecal, but I've definitely seen some advertised recently, either on Hannants weekly e-mail newsletter, or maybe in the TAHS catalogue. Leave it with me and I'll see what I can find. BTW, I think I might have some colour pics of Tornados in Gulf 1 somewhere, probably in a RAF Year Book Special from the time. I might have some from Gulf 2, The Sequel as well!
Dwight, I might be wrong about the decals being Xtradecal, but I've definitely seen some advertised recently, either on Hannants weekly e-mail newsletter, or maybe in the TAHS catalogue. Leave it with me and I'll see what I can find. BTW, I think I might have some colour pics of Tornados in Gulf 1 somewhere, probably in a RAF Year Book Special from the time. I might have some from Gulf 2, The Sequel as well!

I'll take another look. I think Xtradecal did make a whole bunch of them for the Tornado, and for the GR1 and Granby in particular but Hannants didn't seem to have them.

I did find another review on that link Vic listed.

1/72 Revell Tornado Gr.1 by Dave Poff

THAT's the bird I want to make! It's the "Mig Eater" and I'm pretty sure Xtadecals does make a set of decals for it. :D

Also found this link for a complete list of everything for the 1/72 Tornados:

The Definitive 1/72 Scale Model Census. Aircraft, Panavia Tornado.
Dwight, looking at the Patrick Vossenberg review, he talks about Operation Granby as being the theme for his model and I see he had done tail ZD739/AC. If this is a Granby operation a/c then the decals are available through Hannants at:
Hannants - Hi Decal HD72001 - 1:72
Another option seems to be:
Hannants - Model Alliance ML72110 - 1:72
Hope this helps
:hotsun: :hotsun:

Thanks Vic. The Hi-decal sheet might be the one I end up using.

The Model Alliance sheet is for Operation Telic I believe and the markings are for Gr4s. I have no clue how close the Gr1 and Gr4 are in terms of equipment etc.

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