Trackends Picture Post

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Hi Trackend

I have the feeling I've missed you at Duxford last week.
I am also selecting my pictures, and setting up some pages in my website.
Althought my pics are not good as yours: i totally misjudged the planes speed, so in all my pics the propellers seem to be stopped :oops:

Anyway I will post a link soon, so you can see my pics also. :shock:
Thanks mossie I saw you at the show (by the burger bar) with your two friends/brothers (whatever) liked the matching tee shirts but i didn't say hello as you may have thought me some sort of old weirdo. It would of been different if the missus had been with me but aircraft bore the knickers off her.
I appreciate the praise Bear but in all fairness I think most of all our pictures fall well short of Evans shots.


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One of my things is that I try to get better shots with each outing. I do a lot of experimenting when I am down at the airport to just try different things and see what the effect is. You learn a lot about the gear that way and what it is capable of.

And for the record, Lee, that taxiing Spitfire shot is outstanding!
sorry for the DP
Hopefully Im off to Chatham naval docks over the weekend so a good chance to get in some more practice


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I found that I plan camera time around outings now too. I was at an office building today that has a fountain in the courtyard. Looks a good place for shots. Since I am going back tomorrow, the camera will be with me. :lol:
I was never very good at fine art when I was at school Eric but I think photograph can be full of emotion and feeling just the same.
I could'nt fit all the planes in the view finder GN but I believe in the Bilbo fly past there was around 40 aircraft the youngest being the Sky raider and the Tiger cat all the rest where WW2 its quite an impressive sight (and sound)
Art Schmaart! ;) If it looks good to you through the viewfinder, well it will probably look good in the final print, unless you totally **** it up. I just go with what I see and feel at the moment. If the photo speaks to others as well, then that's great. But keep in mind that aviation photography is a niche market and few people actually "get it". There are some exceptional photos out there though that speak to everyone even with an aviation theme.

Oy, that was way too philosophical. Just point it, frame it and shoot it! 8)
Cheers Skim and for the comments Eric I am sorry that my pics have been wierd sizes I think I may have sorted me self out I'll give it a whirl with the next few pictures


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couple of double posts to get them all in


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