Trying to identify WW2 Bomber

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Jan 11, 2015
I'm trying to identify the plane my Grandfather is standing in front of? Everyone in the family seems to think he flew as a radio operator on the B-25 Mitchell, but from what I can tell, the B-25 was a tricycle gear and much larger.

Any help is much appreciated!

very cool, thank you guys. I'd love to know more about the unit he was in. There does seem to be some confusion whether he was a radio operator on the B-24 or B-25. Maybe his unit would lead me in the right direction?
Your Grandfather could be a radio operator on the B-24 or B-25. I would say , the squadron of the AT-11 was a training one but not a combat unit. All crew members had to get a such training before sending to their operational squadrons. So it was a kind of a school , wasn't it. Of course we can't be sure the squdron was using B-25s or B-24s for the training purpose too.
After basic ground instruction and then 'trade' training on the AT-11, cadets would then be sent to the relevant bomber (or transport) unit for continuation training on the type of aircraft they would fly/fly in, operationally, for example, B-17, B-24, B-25 etc.
This would again be a training unit, where the nucleus of a crew would form. On completion of this training, the crew, or possibly just individuals in some cases, would then be assigned to an operational unit, and posted to that unit's location.
If you have your Grandfather's Log Book, it should show the units, from training onward, even if this is only an endorsement stamp from the unit HQ, possibly on the last page of each qualification section, and/or at the front of the book. I'm not familiar with US Log Book format, compared to RAF, so I'm afraid I can't be more specific.
The only emblem I can find closely resembling the one on the AT-11 , is one with the 505th Bombardment Group , but it's not an exact match ,note the round one with B-29 looking aircraft , but the hands aren't there , so I'm not 100% sure on this one, it could be a Bombardier Training unit/Sqd ..........

If you have more background on where the photo was taken etc that may help narrow down the unit ......


  • 505th Bombardment Group, Sqd's.jpg
    13.1 KB · Views: 172
Gooday Theo,

The emblem is the unofficial emblem of the B-24 crew replacement training unit at Walla Walla, WA.

Hope that's a help


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