Mr. Hunter:
Thanks for the kind comments in your other response. I too enjoy discussing like mature people.
Your last comment is not entirely correct Hunter. It was England who first declared war against Germany. I am sure you know this, but in your posting it sounds as if it had been Germany who "started" the war with England.
Whatever the political motivations that caused England to declare war -I know them all- it was England who started the war with Germany.
Now, getting back to the response you produced to my posting is that I can tell you the following:
(i) I agree with you when you affirm Hitler could not leave two powerful enemies alive in his rear -UK and France- before sending his force eastwards. Precisely! That is why he sought peace with both England and France after Poland. Germany had no claims whatsoever to make to the western allies after Poland.
His offerings were put in the dustbin by both the brits and the french; so as you correctly stated, he of course had to deal with such a menace. The armies of 2 enemies staring into his window in the west could not be left unattended. I insist, the armies of 2 enemies who had first declared war on Germany.
You believe Hitler´s acquital of the British Expeditionary Force had purpose other than trying to convince them his gesture was authentic? I do not think he held back a little on the BEF Hunter; all British historians and veterans have admitted the BEF was condemned, awaiting execution.
If the order to stop issued to German divisions around Dunkerque is not evidence enough to demonstrate Hitler never really had the intention to invade let alone occupy England, then I would ask for your explanation to this fact.
Did they declare war on Germany to defend Poland? Perhaps, but the argument will not hold water when one knows of Churchill´s proposal to the soviets in late 1944 to have "preponderance" in Romania when the war ended.
I can assure you Hitler would have liked his entire Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe ramming the east as opposed to see his military getting gradually scattered in regions where he had no interest.
Do you know how many divisons were left to watch over the west after the fall of France and the cancelling of air operations over England in late 1940?
Let´s play with the what ifs a little bit, but if JG 2 and JG 26 -who remained in the west- had been added to the known Order of Battle for Barbarossa in June 1941, then perhaps the VVS would have been wiped out to the very last pilot and aicraft in less than 3 days.
(ii) The french fleet. I agree with you, and that was right what I said. We can not know if the french seamen would have allowed Hitler to get his hands on the powerful french vessels. This turns secondary when we know Hitler did not make any claims to the french fleet -again, other than assuring it would not end in the hands of the Brits waging war against Germany-.
I recall an opinion for which I have no verification saying Hitler, right after the fall of France, when asked what to do with the french fleet, responded it was his desire to see the french sailors burning their ships thus putting an end to the issue.
(iii) The U-boat campaign. To claim Germany was trying to starve England out in 1939-41 is way out of the line. Again, I will stick to a simple fact: they had declared war against Germany, and refused peace offerings issued.
I will pretend I walk in Hitler´s shoes. I am a man making authentic political offerings to Great Britain. They reject them all. Although my intentions towards them are honest, I am no hummingbird, so I will punch them back. I digress, my nation is in a state of war with them. I will of course launch my submarines to inflict as much damage as possible, and to put the heaviest pressure possible on both the Brits and the French (1939-1940).
By the time Germany issued its second peace offering to England in 1940, the number of the U-boats was nowhere near sufficient to achieve anything such as starving England out Hunter.
Also as you may recall, by September of 1940, the USA loaned 50 four stacked destroyers to England. What would you think Hitler´s reaction would be?
Furthermore, do not forget the USA although "neutral" was directly involved in the war. October 31, 1941, a skipper of the USA navy pushed the limits, and his vessel, the destroyer USS Reuben James got sent straight to the bottom of the Atlantic by U-552, taking almost the entire crew with her.
(As interesting note, the executioner of that doomed destroyer was Konteradmiral Erich Topp who passed away hardly a month ago).
Hitler´s campaing in the Atlantic was the natural outcome of the events of 1939 -first against both France and England-, and 1940 after the french defeat.
Thanks for the kind comments in your other response. I too enjoy discussing like mature people.
Your last comment is not entirely correct Hunter. It was England who first declared war against Germany. I am sure you know this, but in your posting it sounds as if it had been Germany who "started" the war with England.
Whatever the political motivations that caused England to declare war -I know them all- it was England who started the war with Germany.
Now, getting back to the response you produced to my posting is that I can tell you the following:
(i) I agree with you when you affirm Hitler could not leave two powerful enemies alive in his rear -UK and France- before sending his force eastwards. Precisely! That is why he sought peace with both England and France after Poland. Germany had no claims whatsoever to make to the western allies after Poland.
His offerings were put in the dustbin by both the brits and the french; so as you correctly stated, he of course had to deal with such a menace. The armies of 2 enemies staring into his window in the west could not be left unattended. I insist, the armies of 2 enemies who had first declared war on Germany.
You believe Hitler´s acquital of the British Expeditionary Force had purpose other than trying to convince them his gesture was authentic? I do not think he held back a little on the BEF Hunter; all British historians and veterans have admitted the BEF was condemned, awaiting execution.
If the order to stop issued to German divisions around Dunkerque is not evidence enough to demonstrate Hitler never really had the intention to invade let alone occupy England, then I would ask for your explanation to this fact.
Did they declare war on Germany to defend Poland? Perhaps, but the argument will not hold water when one knows of Churchill´s proposal to the soviets in late 1944 to have "preponderance" in Romania when the war ended.
I can assure you Hitler would have liked his entire Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe ramming the east as opposed to see his military getting gradually scattered in regions where he had no interest.
Do you know how many divisons were left to watch over the west after the fall of France and the cancelling of air operations over England in late 1940?
Let´s play with the what ifs a little bit, but if JG 2 and JG 26 -who remained in the west- had been added to the known Order of Battle for Barbarossa in June 1941, then perhaps the VVS would have been wiped out to the very last pilot and aicraft in less than 3 days.
(ii) The french fleet. I agree with you, and that was right what I said. We can not know if the french seamen would have allowed Hitler to get his hands on the powerful french vessels. This turns secondary when we know Hitler did not make any claims to the french fleet -again, other than assuring it would not end in the hands of the Brits waging war against Germany-.
I recall an opinion for which I have no verification saying Hitler, right after the fall of France, when asked what to do with the french fleet, responded it was his desire to see the french sailors burning their ships thus putting an end to the issue.
(iii) The U-boat campaign. To claim Germany was trying to starve England out in 1939-41 is way out of the line. Again, I will stick to a simple fact: they had declared war against Germany, and refused peace offerings issued.
I will pretend I walk in Hitler´s shoes. I am a man making authentic political offerings to Great Britain. They reject them all. Although my intentions towards them are honest, I am no hummingbird, so I will punch them back. I digress, my nation is in a state of war with them. I will of course launch my submarines to inflict as much damage as possible, and to put the heaviest pressure possible on both the Brits and the French (1939-1940).
By the time Germany issued its second peace offering to England in 1940, the number of the U-boats was nowhere near sufficient to achieve anything such as starving England out Hunter.
Also as you may recall, by September of 1940, the USA loaned 50 four stacked destroyers to England. What would you think Hitler´s reaction would be?
Furthermore, do not forget the USA although "neutral" was directly involved in the war. October 31, 1941, a skipper of the USA navy pushed the limits, and his vessel, the destroyer USS Reuben James got sent straight to the bottom of the Atlantic by U-552, taking almost the entire crew with her.
(As interesting note, the executioner of that doomed destroyer was Konteradmiral Erich Topp who passed away hardly a month ago).
Hitler´s campaing in the Atlantic was the natural outcome of the events of 1939 -first against both France and England-, and 1940 after the french defeat.