Umpire released from hospital after taking fastball to jaw...

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
2 hours, 42 minutes ago

LOS ANGELES (AP)—An umpire who took a 96 mph fastball to the right side of his jaw was released from a hospital, hours after briefly losing consciousness when the pitch slammed into his face mask.

Plate umpire Kerwin Danley was carried off the field in the fourth inning after a pitch from Dodgers right-hander Brad Penny knocked the crew chief to the ground.

The game was stopped for 18 minutes while Danley was put into an ambulance and driven out through the center-field gate. The crowd of 50,469 applauded as Danley was placed into the ambulance.

With Colorado's Garrett Atkins at bat, catcher Russell Martin said he missed the pitch because of a miscommunication with Penny. Martin said he apologized to Danley a couple of times, "But I don't know if he heard me."

Dodgers spokesman Josh Rawitch said Danley lost consciousness briefly, but was conscious, coherent and breathing when he was placed into the ambulance. Dodgers medical personnel accompanied him to Good Samaritan Hospital, where officials said Sunday that Danley was treated in the emergency room and released.

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