US witness report found on Stalin’s Katyn massacre.

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Nov 9, 2005
WARSAW, Poland — A researcher says she has uncovered vital testimony from a U.S. officer who in 1943 was forced by the Nazis to watch as they exhumed thousands of Polish officers killed on Soviet leader Josef Stalin's orders.
At a news conference Wednesday in Warsaw, U.S. researcher Krystyna Piorkowska said she found the Paris-dated May 10, 1945, testimony of former American prisoner of war Lt. Col. John H. Van Vliet Jr. in the U.S. National Archives near Washington last November. It was filed among other unrelated World War II documents from the U.S. Embassy in Paris.
"The sworn deposition provides evidence of Soviet responsibility for the 1940 massacre of some 22,000 Polish officers in the Katyn forest and other places in what was then the Soviet Union. The Soviet Red Army had taken the Polish officers prisoner after invading eastern Poland in September 1939."

Read the full story here:

US witness report found on Stalin?s Katyn massacre - The Washington Post
Russia recently admitted to doing this. Wasn't that the reason the Polish delegation was flying to Moscow when it crashed. Wasn't there some connection to their visit having to do with the mass killings and an apology? Anyway as I understood it there was really no question as to who committed this heinous crime. I believe when the Nazi's initially discovered the bodies they brought in the Red Cross to verify the findings. (Ironic that) And when the Russians retook the area they had their own press day to point the finger at the Nazi's. But IIRC an astute daughter of the US Ambassador noticed something strange about the clothes on the bodies. They were the exact opposite of the type you would wear during the time of year that the Russians said they were killed.

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