Ray's 'number' for ETO/MTO is unsourced and off signicantly. The ultimate 'go to' authority for US Fighters was Frank Olynyk, The close second is USAF Study 85. I have both but only Olynyk includes type a/c detroyed. As Frank passed recently , I suspect that only Chrisopher Shores and I have his latest US data. I will publish the totals in my next book.
That explains a lot, but even on that basis they are off, IMO
I posted about this awhile back USAAF Fighters . It is intriguing that Wagner's numbers match the totals for the ETO/ MTO so closely; but yes, what was his source for the breakdown by specific fighter, as that is not in the USAAF Statistics.?
Btw he did the same for bombers in the ETO/ MTO and again the numbers are very close to USAAF Stats.