Senior Airman
We've been using the Norden at our "bomber camp". The servo system that controls the flight controls during the bomb run is not installed so we have made the PDI or Pilot Direction Indicator operational on the panel. As the bombardier sights in on the target from the IP we maintain a specific airspeed and altitude while the bombardier gives us heading corrections via the PDI. We are using 3,000ft as a hard deck and the bombsight is calibrated at 150mph. When the indices cross within the bombsight it trips the releases on the bomb racks and out they go. While this system works we manually release the bombs. Has the bombsigt been accurate...not really but we get close enough to our 150ft target ring to do damage if we were on an actual mission. What does all this mean? The bombsight got you close, having 100 bombers behind you laid waste to alot of landscape below it. I believe they went to a lead toggalier to reduce crew and redundancy. Why have 100 extra men on a mission that could be accomplished by 1 + a few backups in case of any anomolies.