So, browning around, I stumbled across USAF general John C. Meyer and his wikipedia page, which includes this excerpt:
The page doesn't go into more detail, so I wonder, what the heck did he say to rile up the aircrews to such an extend? I originally came across hm via tvtropes, where it was saidJanuary 3, 1973, general Meyer visited Andersen Air Base on Guam, on a morale-boosting trio after The 'Christmas Bombing' had placed heavy strains on the morale and cohesion of the B-52 bomber squadrons. In a Q&A session with crews, Meyers answers prompted such anger among the airmen, that some walked out in disgust, while other pelted the general with coke cans and furniture.
I assume this is related to the rather poorly-performed morale boosting?General John C. "J.C." Meyer was a top-scoring fighter ace and a superb squadron leader in WWII and Korea, credited with 26 air-to-air victories and heroism for his actions over "Y-29" airfield. As the Commander-in-Chief of Strategic Air Command during the Vietnam War however, he gained a reputation as a micromanager who failed to understand the severity of North Vietnam's SAM missile threat against B-52 bombers, costing the Air Force valuable planes and pilots during Operation Linebacker II.