I was wondering why a flying boat couldn't accompany a convoy of ships going to the UK? The plane could be refueled by a tanker
in the convoy, because it can land on water. At least that was what I was thinking. Maybe the sea was just too rough for that, or
there was some other problem. The US PBY was used to attack U-Boats and was very successful doing that. The Brits also had the
Short Sutherland, which could land on water. I was wondering why these aircraft could not accompany a convoy, to its destination?
in the convoy, because it can land on water. At least that was what I was thinking. Maybe the sea was just too rough for that, or
there was some other problem. The US PBY was used to attack U-Boats and was very successful doing that. The Brits also had the
Short Sutherland, which could land on water. I was wondering why these aircraft could not accompany a convoy, to its destination?