Using an airbrush as a dust and pet hair blower

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1st Sergeant
May 28, 2009
I have been struggling with painting a model in natural metal finish, whatever I do just as I am putting the final strokes on I will spot hair or dust. I have been thinking of getting a small air blower to fit the compressor when it occurred to me I have a spare cheap eBay airbrush.

Is there anything I can do to the airbrush to make it work better as an air blower. It doesn't seem to shift enough air probably because it's not meant to.

Don't care if the airbrush is ruined as an airbrush I have another one.
What is your rig?
Method given by chuck540z3 on another www site:
The simplest method is to place a wet towel underneath where they are painting to reduce static electricity.
For example use a new polyester car towel, spray it down just enough to get it damp without soaking it, then place the model on top of it .
May give up to ca. 75% reduction.
A friend of mine used to save used fabric softener sheets (dryer sheets) and used them for various things.
One of which, was for placing models on when they were to be painted. It seems they still have anti-static properties and would prevent dust motes and such from settling on the subject during and after painting.

I've never tried it, but it seems to have worked. He primarily built in 1/72 scale.

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