Veteran of battle for Okinawa in World War II beaten to death

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Senior Airman
Apr 3, 2007
What is wrong in this world ?

"Police in Spokane, Wash., have arrested one of two teens suspected of fatally beating an 88-year-old veteran of World War II who had survived the battle for Okinawa.

Authorities say the two young men, between 16 and 19 years old, approached Delbert Belton in his car at random Wednesday night outside an Eagles Lodge as he was waiting for a friend.

Belton was found by police with serious head injuries and died in the hospital Thursday.
Belton's senseless death has struck a chord nationally and sparked outrage on social media.
"He fought for this country," said Belton's sister, Alberta Tosh, on Friday. "Then he comes home and a couple of creeps kill him in the worst way."

Spokane Police say they have surveillance images of the attackers. Police have released few details about the person they arrested, other than that he is a juvenile male being held on charges of robbery and first degree murder.

Belton was born and raised in Spokane and joined the Army during World War II. Tosh said he was shot in the leg on Okinawa, site of one of the fiercest battles of the war in 1945.
"He was shell-shocked real bad," Tosh, 78, said. "But it got better."

After the war, he spent 33 years working for Kaiser Aluminum, before retiring in 1982.
In retirement, Belton loved to dance, play pool and repair old cars, family members said.

"He was very active and everybody liked him," said niece Pam Hansen. "He'd never think about harming another person."
Belton was called Shorty by his friends because he was little more than 5 feet tall, Hansen said.
She believes he was targeted by the assailants because of his age and size.
"He was defenseless," Hansen said.

A friend, Ted Denison, said he was planning to go to the Eagles Lodge when he heard Belton had died.
"He put his life on the line for our country to come home and 60 years later? Get beat to death?" Denison told The Spokesman-Review. "That's not right."
Denison, a veteran himself, said he used to tease Belton about his membership in the Eagles Lodge, saying that place was for "old fogies." He didn't make it to the lodge in time.
"I don't care who you are, you don't beat up an old man," Denison said. "You're supposed to respect your elders, not beat them to death."

Another close friend, Lill Duncan, said she can't imagine what drove anyone to kill him.
"He lived his life every day to make somebody else happy. It wasn't all about him. It was about what he could do for everybody else."

Veteran of battle for Okinawa in World War II beaten to death in random Spokane attack | Fox News
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Chris, perfectly and exactly stated. Two male teens and an 88YO man...must have been are real tough fight...hope the "boys" are OK
News here stated that authorities were looking into Hate Crime charges as the "boys" were black and their victem white
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Those two douchebags think they are badasses...they have no idea what Mr. Belton went through when he was their age and it's a pity they didn't try this sh!t on him when he was in his prime.
Regardless of thier color, they are nothing but d*ckless cowards and it is my sincerest hopes that they suffer 10 times the agony that they inflicted on Mr. Belton someday.
had not heard that here Matt, I hope they get "the chair" though probably 10yrs and parole. After all, we must consider their poor deprived, discriminated against upbrining
I was thinking the same thing Mike. Underage, underprivelaged and likely under sentenced. But I hope not.
The saddest part about this, is that this is not sn isolated's happening all the time. The exception here is that this tragedy managed to get into the public's attention but even still isn't getting Washington's involvement like the recent case in Florida.
I'm not gonna touch that, GG. Heard this morning the perps are saying they were doing a drug deal and the old man shorted them. So he got a whoopass.

So not only did they kill him, but now they are besmirching his character. I hope they get the ****ing chair now (never gonna happen in Washington State).
Better idea...the U.S. "leadership" is determined to drop bombs on here's a solution:
Instead of dropping bombs, kick these douchebags out the back of the Herc at about 10 and let them freefall.

They get to drop stuff and we get rid of the scum all in one shot...that's a win-win

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