I find no likely VFN claims in VF-88's victory list, based on time of day/night. After mid-44 the VFN dets were absorbed into the resident F6F squadron except those few units dedicated to the night mission such as VFN-41, 90, 91. So any "daytime" carriers' VF with nocturnal victories would appear as usual amid the the others.
No, the AAF never considered acquiring F6Fs--the logistics/supply alone would've been a major headache. However, 5th AF obtained the loan of VMFN-541 in the PI during late 44/early 45 because the 61s were unable to intercept some Japanese aircraft. I'd have to check my first Hellcat book or the USN Fighter Squadrons volume but recall that all but 3 or 4 of 541's PI kills were in daytime.