Vickers Wellington in Antisubmarine action

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Holá Jan!

Junkers Ju 52 aircraft also had large circular antenna above the radioman's position. My guess is it's for the radio, not for detecting submerged vessels.

Wait, I couldn't see the pics, so I assumed he meant the radioman's antenna.

If the subject is a large ring mounted under the fueslage, then Wildcat's right. (Some Ju 52s had these aswell, incidently)
Wait, I couldn't see the pics, so I assumed he meant the radioman's antenna.

If the subject is a large ring mounted under the fueslage, then Wildcat's right. (Some Ju 52s had these aswell, incidently)

Don't worry, A4K. I posted a screen capture for you.....Your opinion interested me very much....!


I think you will find it was used to detonate sea mines.

In effect, Wildcat. Seems an big metal detector also.

...Either that, or a F***in' big radio!!!! :)

(Thanks for posting the pic, mate! Thinking about it, some Blohm und Voss Bv138s carried them too)
Thanks Jan and Wildcat for posting the vids! I still have 'Fortinet' on my work computer that blocks all the pics and vids you guys post unfortunately, but once we get our laptop up and running at home, I'll try and check 'em out.


Very nice, and related, too.....8)

Thanks Jan and Wildcat for posting the vids! I still have 'Fortinet' on my work computer that blocks all the pics and vids you guys post unfortunately, but once we get our laptop up and running at home, I'll try and check 'em out.


At last, you will see the videos. I'm happy for you :p


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