'Videos of the Day' an ongoing thread

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Thought you might Mr G.

BTW lots of other good stuff there. Surprising amount of musical acts such as U2 and Pink Floyd... for SOFs like me. Rammstein too. Blues acts as well.... some silly billy flying a B17 under a bridge in Battlefield2 or some such.
The search engine is a bit dodgy. Or is it me. I looked up plane and found this one:
great footage of their Lanc taxiing. Nice change from the BBMF one.

But when I typed in Lancaster it did not find it... all part of the fun of discovery really I suppose.

An amphibian crashes:

I like the C130 - have a gander at this one:

US Navy's Blue Angels' support ship 'Fat Albert' cavorting while the cameraman paddles in the surf.... keep watching right to the end for a nice treat!
Another clip from that series.

It has been a nice day today - not just the weather but we have two new bunnies. My son has collected his 'Smudge' and 'Quinn' from Quainton RSPCA. Really cute.... they neuter them for you too... essential for pet bunnies for health reasons as well as you know what. Maybe post a clip of them some time.


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Another Sundae treat.... more Shar stars on the ground and in the air. 'Shar' key Ward Flaklands vet, Fozzard et al., and some Navy grunts...


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