Vintage warbirds in 1024x768

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I do not remember the Squadron, it is one in California. I was looking through the website and saw a picture that looked familar, then I saw your name on it. I can send you the link of you would like it. I wished I had your lens when the Spitefire nosed over last Saturday.

Time for some additions...

T-28 on a carrier approach.
T-34 air-to-air
Fokker on Patrol.


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I figured since the anniversary of the famous speech was coming up soon, I would pay tribute to the RAF, and Winston Churchill. It's also a tribute to Reginald Mitchell. to all of you.


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I still love monochrome Eric, they are really superb shots, and this isnt bullshit, there amoungst the best air to air iv'e seen.
For digital the tonal range you've obtained (especially the Tri Plane) is phenominal and what a super background.
Thanks for giving me the pleasure of seeing them.

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