wait at the red light

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My first look, I thought it couldn't be real. Looking closer, I thought if it was fake, it was a damn good fake. The lighting and shading is correct, which is usually the first giveaway that it is faked. Either way, it's a cool shot
LKA...where ya from in Cornwall? I lived in England for two years and my favorite part of the country was Cornwall! New Quay was the best! I was "escorted" outta of a pub there after a heated debate about B-17's! Great wave there! But cold as FUCK!
ha!1 you read that CC, an american who's favourite part of England was cornwall!!

i like you unpunk........

i live near launceston, in north cornwall, we about as far from the sea as you can get in cornwall, but yean newquay#s pretty cool, some of the best surf in the world.......
I agree with unpunk01 fore shortening with a long focal length lens can have a dramatic effect on prospective I also noticed the additional bubble light on the three aspect road signal to me that points towards a really pic as unless the faker is conversant with airfield warning lamps he would not have bothered with it, the only other public road that I know going across a landing strip is on Gibralter.(and a right pain in the arse it is too). I found this pic of Lefkimmi airport so the plane must have been approaching from the top right of the pic.


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Pah, he doesnt have to go through life here

Milton Keynes has much better roundabouts 8)

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