Warbirds for free On-line. Anyone in?

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Sep 4, 2005

Does anybody of You flying sometimes at free on-line version of WarBirds? http://wbfree.net.

If not, welcome You to try! Not so outstanding graphics like in LOMAC or Il-2, but there are a lot of planes, "virtual war" all the time, timelines, etc.

And it's free :D

Do You love world world II aviation? You have to try this 8)
If any problems with installation - give me note. Will help.
WB is free and (as Linux ;) ) a little "user unfriendly" to install;)
But gameplay is worth all that pain!

BTW. Schwalbe is available too ;)
i have a original disk of Warbirds over here :D its one that came with my old wingman joystick...
never got the multiplayer to work tough :(
FreeHost WarBirds based on the original Warbirds. But core has been changed with many improvements. First of all many, many new planes (98 fighters and 28 bombers). From Ki-27 and I-115 up to Tempest, Spitfire XIV and Me-262. Some new areas (Europe, Guadalcanal, etc.). There are also ne damage and flight models.

There are a lot of virtual squadrons flying FreeHost WarBirds. Some of them even for 6 years :). That sim really has "something special".

I hope to see You under the virtual sky!
Holmes said:
If any problems with installation - give me note. Will help.
WB is free and (as Linux ;) ) a little "user unfriendly" to install;)
But gameplay is worth all that pain!

BTW. Schwalbe is available too ;)
i managed to install the game, but how can a choose another plane?
btw, i been shot out of the sky very easy :oops:
There is a Windows XP bug sometimes. If there is no chance to pull down menu with plane types, You have to turn off "visual effects" in XP (From pulpit: Screen properites --> Visual efects off).

An YES, on WarBirds flying really good pilots. Aces of aces IMHO ;P
Holmes said:
There is a Windows XP bug sometimes. If there is no chance to pull down menu with plane types, You have to turn off "visual effects" in XP (From pulpit: Screen properites --> Visual efects off).
can you say that in plain englsh, :oops: :oops: ?
Will try (I've got polish XP)

On dektop -> right mouse click and choose "Screen properites" (or. sth. like that) ---> from "Screen (or. sth. similar)" (2nd from the right) choose "Effects" --> turn off all of that bloody effects ;) (6 of them).
thx a lot!!!!!!
it really help me, but still i been shot to soon in combat, meaning my skill sucks
Glad to here that, Me-262!

On FreeHost team work is the key. Try to join some organized raids, sweeps, jabos etc.. There are often "Looking pilots for ..." messages on radio.

Lonely fighter is often death fighter ;) Thats why i love FreeHost :p

Or simpler one method to survive when flying alone. Take 190 A4 light, climb to 5 km and fight only B&Z tactic, avoiding furballs. ;o)
Gnomey said:
I have tried but only played offline, however when I start I go into an uncontrolable spin that there is no way I can pull out of? I would play online but when I go into uncontrolable spins I see no point, why is it doing this??
did you calibrate your joystick?
There are 2 reasons. Thoughness of mouse flying (i can't pilot any plane without joy ;p ) or U R steering too agressivlly. Flight model in FreeHost's Warbirds has implemented low leve, low speed spins. Depending of plane type some of them come's without any warning (f.e in Yak-1 on low level or Me-262 in vertical, low speed climb).
Gnomey said:
There is not one plugged into the PC I am on only keyboard and mouse.
that is hard to control :shock:
i always have my joystick pluged, 8)
can not live without!!!!!

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