Thanks guys! My friend who lives in Hamburg says it was only cold for a little bit this year; feh. Of course, my other friend in Poland says it has been weird weather over there, cold, warm, cold.
Little "Walter" (I think we're having a boy, Pete thinks otherwise - we have a bet going. XD XD) is doing great, he kicks the snot out of me if I don't get him his coffee when I wake up - he hears the coffee machine and really starts going. LOL
This is building season for my husband, so on the weekends he's working on his 1/6 scale Hangar 9 J-3 cub. I'll start a new thread in the personal forums and post up some pics of it, and him in his new re-enactment uniform - I'm waiting to work on mine when I'm back down to the teenage weight. XD (which might take a bit - so it's tracht for me until then! )