Well it would appear I have hit the mother load !!!!!

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Wow, welcome to the forum Bustedwing!

Great photo wioth the Mossie Crews!!! And yes, please send some details on the unit, airmen, base, etc...please.

Erich said:
hate to harp on this but do you have your uncles unit that he served in yet ?

I'm kind of wondering myself ! I E mailed my cousin in England (her Dad) and am waiting to hear back from her. I only ever met him twice. Once in 67 at Sandhurst where he was instructing, and then again in 72 in Belgium where he was stationed with NATO, he died of Cancer in 76.
This much I do know, he was in a bomber group and later in a Pathfinder group. I understand he was also in S Africa and S Carolina for a while as well. His name was Ian Ramage. He had at least one DFM and I think a DFC. He retired a Wing Commander. Both my cousin and I have been trying to collect military history of our family with not much luck. I have a copy of his obit that was in the London Times that lists all this info but I can't find it.
I'm still looking though !

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