Wellington v He-111

Which was better?

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Ill go for the wimpy as the better plane just because i like the design althuogh the merlin engined variant looked awful
The Wellington was used quite successfully in the Anti Shipping role, attacking convoys with either bombs or torpedoes, although the HE111 was also used successfully in this role, however there were also some Wellingtons, which had been adapted to carry 2 torpedoes, these were used to deliver torpedoes to Malta, but there were couple of occaisions when these Wellingtons, were used to attack an Axis Convoy. dropping both Torpedoes successfully.

i've just finished a book called "The Ship Busters" which is a very good book, in which the torp wimpies are mentioned quite a bit during the part about operations off malta..................
How can you have a ship in a dam? A ship goes it water and a dam is made (typically) of steel and concrete.
I agree with Toffi the Wellington's design (Barnes Wallis) was what made it an impressive aircraft. The payload was nothing exceptional neither was the performance. but for robustness this plane took some beating.
huge junks of fuslage could be blown away yet this tough plane could maintain its structural integrity. This however was its down fall as this made it a very time consuming plane to build. neither aircraft in your poll (mossi verses lighting) came close to the durability of the Wellington.
I would say that, compared to it's direct contemporaries, the range and payload of the Wellington were very impressive.
What in the world are you talking about? Unexposed cowling? The cowling is the fitting around the engine.

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