Westland Wessex HAR.2?

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Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Having the Seaking, or is it Sea King, I thought that I'd add the Westland Wessex HAR.2 later on, for another Search and Rescue bird, maybe one based at Akrotiri, not yet decided....anyhoo, does anyone know how many Wessex were converted to the HAR.2? Serial Numbers?


Italeri Westland Wessex UH.5.jpg

HAR.2 conversion.jpg

Btw, shouldn't that be HU.5?
Not sure how many were true HAR2s, but 12 in service, plus reserves, rings a bell. I should have the info somewhere I think.
Virtually all RAF Wessex had the rescue capability, in basic form at least, being fitted with a winch over the cabin door. External differences were minimal, being mainly the shape and size of the cabin windows, spotlights and navaid antennae etc.
And yes, I think that should read HU5 - the kit has the correct door for a HAR2 as an option I think (I'd have to check my kit), and the side windows are easily modified. Depending on time period, the HAR2 could be seen with or without the landing gear flotation gear, included in the kit, and also with variations in the spotlights etc.
Just checked, and it was 12 aircraft, converted from HC2, and on detachment with 22 Sqn at the bases around the UK - Manston, Valley, Boulmer and Leuchars.
As mentioned, outwardly they were basically the same as the HC2, apart form the overall yellow paint scheme, and a larger winch, with 300 ft cable.
Internally, the main alteration was a 'wet' floor, basically a waterproof floor and covering to prevent corrosion, plus the mounting of specific equipment such as First Aid kits, rescue stretcher, strop slings, oxygen resucitation kits etc, as well as the extra navaids, the antennae for which can be seen externally on lower fuselage and nose.
The flotation 'cans' were later added to the main gear wheel hubs, and these contained inflatable spheres, for use in emergency ditching, activated by explosive charge on contact with water.
Various spot/search lights could be fitted, beneath the fuselage and on the starboard main gear leg, the installation of which varied. From memory, as far as I know the black colour on the starboard gear leg, which was added later in service life, was an anti-slip material, and also acted as anti-glare when the gear leg spotlight was used.
I'm sure I have the serial numbers somewhere, but haven't found the darned list yet !
Much obliged Squire! Have decided for a Akrotiri bird, or so I thought, wouldn't mind to do a Leuchars either....barstewards!
Akrotiri Wessex's (or is that 'Wessi' ?!) where in standard camouflage, with a 'NATO Blue' band around the tail boom and, as far as I know, where standard HC2s. Three of them were based there, each carrying a playing card symbol, and I have a magazine article on them somewhere, I think in an old RAF Year Book.
Yep, yellow and HAR 2. I'll try to find out more, as I think the ones based at Leuchars were detached from Boulmer, in Northumberland. The owner of the campsite we use near Duxford will probably know, as he was on the Squadron, and if he doesn't know, my brother in law probably will, as he used to fly the Wessex before rising to dizzy heights (in rank, that is !).
I'll send you the 'Warpaint' book by e-mail in the next day or two - if the darned 'system' will allow me to, since the change to W7 - it covers the full Wessex story, and shows the HAR2 serial number range. I also have an article in Scale Aircraft Modelling, from 2001, but for some reason I can no longer 'capture' and send individual pages !
That said, it isn't as useful as the 'Warpaint' book anyway.
Thanks awfully old chap !
BTW, the designation 'HAR2' was unofficial, but used regularly to denote SAR Wessex - they were officially just HC2, but with the extra equipment.
Also, Leuchars was the base for the Northern Region, as Boulmer changed from Whirlwind to Sea King, with 202 Squadron. I got a bit confused (it happens often you know!), as I used to watch both Whirlwind and Sea King patrols along the Northumberland coast over the years, and the Wessex, out of Valley, when I stayed on Anglesey a few times a year in the 1990's.
When I send the 'Warpaint' book, I'll also send details of the 22 Sqn Flights and locations around the UK, although there were some variations due to various detachments.
Came across one so far old boy...

Westland Wessex HC2 (WS-58) XR504.jpg

XR504 (cn WA129) Taking part in a lifeboat training exercise off Carnoustie beach during an RAF Town Show.
From "B" Flight, 22 Squadron, based at nearby RAF Leuchars.
.....aaaand yet another one, also at Leuchars!

Westland Wessex HC2 (WS-58) XV720.jpg

XV720 (cn WA615) Sitting on its purpose-built dispersal, this Wessex of "B" Flight, 22 Squadron awaits its next scramble.
Good stuff old boy. I've got loads more, from Leuchars, Valley, St.Mawgan and Manston, plus interior and detail shots, and a web site link if you need them.
BTW, the Wessex on its side is how Karl fondly remembers them - apparently his last 'landing' in one looked similar !!!
I believe there's now a SAR example at Midland Air Museum, which wasn't there when Karl and I last visited.

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