Wha other forums do you visit?

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lets start.

Playstation forums of UK and SA (for me and for work)
and not by my own free will, but again for work it is the X-Box 360 forums.

I had a few more, but my former PC gave in and I lost most of them, but I am getting there.
Paper Money Forum

Paper money in the context of history... It's going pretty freaking slow but I just wanted to see how difficult it was to upload and design a forum...

I love collecting paper money... Art, sociology, politics, history, national psyche, projection, propaganda, all on a ink imprinted pseudo paper!

Unfortunately few have the passion i do for foreign currency!

Les is spreading his love again. He's calling me a p u s s y, reminding me of my childhood in derogatory terms, and referencing all kinds of implements roughly inserted into my alimentary canal.

I want my mommy.

He he he..... You are very lucky a while back he put some nasty (but funny) pics next to you name if you did not give your pic.
Nope. Sorry Les. Internet security says "no go". No hard feelings. And I enjoy the harassment. Reminds me of my Ahole uncle (who was not really an uncle but rather my ole man's drinking buddy).

Anyhow, tomorrow is back to work an I'll drop back to obscurity...
Interesting to notice none has mentioned/admitted visiting porn sites...from what i seem to recall those get the majority of the visits...
I mentioned YouPorn.com in a different context, but in all honesty, I have never actually been there. But by the name, I can well imagine what we would find.

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