Dogwalker said:Ok, there are vibrations. I expect to read some pilot's report that say they were so severe. I didn't read it yet. I read this for many others aircraft instead, included the FW-190.
No there are vibrations in any aircraft and all aircraft. I dont think I never said there wasn't. I just said it would suck sitting on a drive shaft and I think I have a bit more experience in that matter than you do! (since you obviously seem to discredit everything I say because you seem to take this personal!)
Dogwalker said:Another time, it's your opinion and I respect it, other experts worked on it and flown with it. Many pilots appreciated this aircraft, and the difference is that they flown with it, and you not. So I repeat, they were all incompetents, except you?
And have you flown it? I doubt it. So again it is your opinion and nothing more either. There you go, I can do the same.
And by the way you might want to look up the definition of incompetents because this is the definitions and you are saying that all those people that worked on it and flew it were:
Main Entry: in·com·pe·tent
Pronunciation: (")in-'käm-p-t&nt
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French incompétent, from in- + compétent competent
1 : not legally qualified
2 : inadequate to or unsuitable for a particular purpose
3 a : lacking the qualities needed for effective action b : unable to function properly <incompetent heart valves>
- incompetent noun
- in·com·pe·tent·ly adverb
Nextly I am not saying that I am the formost expert on this topic becuase I am not. I have never worked on a WW2 aircraft, but I know a thing or 2 about aircraft and aircraft maintenance. I fly and work on aircraft every damnd ay, So please dont talk down to me like you think I dont know anything.
If this is not your intent then I apologize, but it sure is how it sounds with the way you post things.