What annoyed you today?

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Incredibly slow PC (hope it hasn't virus again...), headache, fatigue, hunger, horrible amount of work, no clean clothes in my closet, dirty bed, cats that sh*t all over my house.......
USMC moved me from Pensacola, FL to Corpus Christi, TX. Movers are civilian contractors, and wait till they get a sizeable load to actually truck your household goods out, so they can make a killing in one trip. So, being that there's not any big bases down in NW Florida, it will take them 12 days to get the stuff out to me. I don't mind all that much - BUT THE PREGNANT WIFE DOES!!!
After applying for a job in a Casino in La Malbaie, and getting an interview, those bastards decided to not take me for the job... I was living too far away from the Casino (70 Kms).

Hey, houses are cheap in that area, I can move !

But what really pissed me off is that I had the interview on Wednesday (November 8th) and received the E-mail on Friday (November 10th). That's pretty quick to decide !

oh lord what a balls up mkloby and been on many a posting where local contractors have failed at last moment but nothing in comparison to you and your good lady wife. my sympathy

see other thread what made you cheerful today
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