What Are You Listening To???

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Been working on a project to bring some old gold back to life, as tavern music in The Elder Scrolls and Fallout series (probably more games will be covered in future) ...

The English translations still need improvements, by now, they are more like a literal translation, than a real literature based translation.

Here is one of many songs that will revive:

Banafsheh - Kolbe ye Gham (The hut of sadness)

Words: Reza Shamsaa
Melody: Hossein Kassaiyan

In the land of your sorrow, I'm a prisoner
Like a chicken with tied wings and feathers

Where is a lover so distressed like me, in the world?
The mark of your missed love, carved on my forehead

In the land of your sorrow, I'm a prisoner
Like a chicken with tied wings and feathers

My eyes watching on your way, come
My heart is broken in the chest, come

I am like the only tree in the desert of pain
Like the hut of sadness, silent and cold

May I always have sweet memories of your love
But this broken heart can't live far away from you!

You even didn't care about me and my pains
You even didn't care about my broken heart

All remained from your memories, is nothing but grief and pain
This grief will kill me someday

May I always have sweet memories of your love
But this broken heart can't live far away from you!

You even didn't care about me and my pains
You even didn't care about my broken heart

All remained from your memories, is nothing but grief and pain
This grief will kill me someday

All remained from your memories, is nothing but grief and pain
This grief will kill me someday
The Music Mod is named "Meykhooneh", Persian for "Inn". It will contain 30 Songs from 'now forgotten' stars of 1940's , 50's , 60's and 70's, covering all genres, by heavy focus on traditional Persian tavern music (the Kucheh Bazari genre)

Here is the 2nd Song from play list:

Hamid Raad - Ehsas (The Feelings) - 1974

Words: Arash Sezavar
Melody: Eric Arcant

In the dark heart of night, star was traveling
Like my tired legs, it was unaware of its destination

The thought of not having you was always in my mind
The bitter feeling of this move, was my last feeling

For us, understanding was a broken tower,
Was a broken tower
The knots of our sorrows were a closed lock

The catchwords of your poem are invalid flowers
The flag of your hair is from a generation without descent.

You, a proud rider, you broke my privacy
Me, a lone lover, you broke my heart
You broke my heart

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