Senior Airman
The Wright's invented roll control, but did so through wing warping IIRC. Curtiss actually invented the aileron as an improved means of roll control.
The Wrights crashed many times –saved by their canard design cushioning the impact- before they figured out the need for yaw control
I said the Wrights invented the first PRACTICAL aileron, not that they invented it. Their parent was upheld, as I stated.
Curtiss did not invent the aileron. That dates back to 1864 in the UK and the British scientist Matthew Piers Watt Boulton ... at least according to several references. I hope this doesn't turn into a finger-pointing item ...
Nope. I stand corrected. Invented was too strong a word. "Resorted to", maybe.
Many of the features of the Wright plane were individually tried previously but in the wrong combination.