What was the best/worst....

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The best has been every Ford I have ever owned. A few notables, a 1955 F-500, "Old Grandad" 14' flatbed that I refered to as "My Effin'" truck, Rugged as all get out, it met it's end when I let a friend borrow it and he drove it off the side of a mountain.
A 1970 Econoline van, slate-grey with swing side doors, the "Mule" was fully equipped as a party van complete with shag carpeting on the floor, walls and overhead. Also had a double bed, a sink and stove, and swivel "captains" chairs with a table in between. Lost a fight with a Freightliner the year after Frances and I were married, we were O.K., but the "Mule" was no more.
I have had three Broncos, but this latest, the "Beast", a 1995 Eddie Bauer edition, has been a hearty one, i have owned it for seven years, and it has only given me trouble this last year. My fault for letting it run out of fuel, but with new filters, is running better than ever.
The worst, a 1976 Chevy van, "Mule II" that we used as a pack van when we had a contract household goods packing business. Two and a half years of solid pain and misery, I think it objected to being painted "Allied Van Lines" orange from its original Red White and Blue Bicentennial colors. A complete engine rebuild nine months after being bought didn't stop it's suicidal tendencies, it started itself on fire no less than three times, once before and once after the rebuild. Sold to the mechanic that did the work, it managed to complete the cycle by finally burning itself up on the third try.
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worst was probably the diseal acadian i owned, fast on donw hills, not so good up hill, brakes froze during the winter, disappeared in a cloud of smokw when you started it up. Best might be the ford focus I currently drive, has 348,000 km on it with no major work done to it.
Of the cars I owned:

Best practical - Ford Ranger
Best chick magnet - Porsche 944
Most fun - no, not the Porsche. Eagle Talon AWD Turbo
Best imitation of a submarine - Datsun B210. Submerged up to its roof in a flood. Towed home, written off by insurance, purchased from insurance company for scrap value, rebuilt to working condition.

Can't say I had a worst although my Datsun 200SX was a rust bucket when I got rid of it.
Best: Kia Cerato. Tough as a rock (proven when my wife drove it in a ravine, she still feels the neck pain), low consumption paired with excellent every-day performance (1,5 CRDI), powerful A/C, was in great shape all around.

Worst: Alfa Romeo 33 1,5 TI: gearbox, brakes, suspension - a textbook example how to hurt/kill all 105 HP (Americans, don't laugh, that was some horse power 15 years ago here), electronics working randomly, rust around rear window.

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