What was the last thing you ate? TWO!!!

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Brunch: China Food "Chicken of Five Tastes"
Snack: Banana
Dinner: Homemade China Food (Chicken, Spices, Sauces, Egg Plan, Tomatoes, Rice)
2 Hard Boiled Eggs
"Golden Green" Apple

...now I'm going to meet my friend and we're goin' to intake some beeeeeeeers
Oi Im a wiz at Chinese hun ....chopsticks a piece of cake>>>>well yer I can eat a piece of cake with chop sticks too, lol

Last ate>>>. bag of nuts>>> not eaten with chopsticks, but gonna try now Ive just said that.

Did you know it's hard to eat M M's with chop sticks>>>> world record in Guiness book of records>>>>> why not see if you can beat 8)
Well I went to the Christmas Market in Bamberg. I had 3 Gluehweins, 1 1/2m Bratwurst, and 1 Schupfnudeln and Sauerkruat. After the Market we went to went to a really good Irish Pub listened to some live Irish drinking songs and had 2 Kilkenny's, a Jamesons Whiskey, and ate some Fish and Ships (with the viniger of course).

Today went to the Christmas Market here in Ansbach and had some Sauerkraut and Schupfnudeln. Damn it was good.
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