What was the One Thing that won WWII?

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well the lanc will either say the dambusters bombing raids or something else to do with the lancaster :| but i would say it was the battle of britain (clueless)
I would say radar/Battle of Britain (sort of interrelated) was one of two things that won the war, the other being the IJA pissing off the Europeans/US and forcing the Navy to attack Pearl Harbour.

Without the US there would have been many more casualties, prolonged the war, more costly for countries in the war (ie GB, Commonwealth nations, etc) and if the Allies managed to win, I think it would have been due to the Soviets and not the Western Allies. This would have led to a Soviet Europe, possibly a better economic situation for the USSR (since Germany is/was the economic center of Europe) if they could restrain themselves from taking all the factories to the USSR and otherwise ruining western Europe. In turn, the Soviet Union may not have fallen, we could still be in a Cold War, or worse have had one or more other World Wars after WWII.
Archer said:
I would say radar/Battle of Britain (sort of interrelated) was one of two things that won the war, the other being the IJA pissing off the Europeans/US and forcing the Navy to attack Pearl Harbour.

Without the US there would have been many more casualties, prolonged the war, more costly for countries in the war (ie GB, Commonwealth nations, etc) and if the Allies managed to win, I think it would have been due to the Soviets and not the Western Allies. This would have led to a Soviet Europe, possibly a better economic situation for the USSR (since Germany is/was the economic center of Europe) if they could restrain themselves from taking all the factories to the USSR and otherwise ruining western Europe. In turn, the Soviet Union may not have fallen, we could still be in a Cold War, or worse have had one or more other World Wars after WWII.

It does make you wonder what would of happen if the American's didn't come in.

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I would have to say the fighting men won the war. Especially in the battle of britten,640 planes against 2500german aircraft,i dont think that was the machines that won the war alone, it was the men behind the control stick.
But.......for the sake of conversation,i think the b-17 played a major role


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The Japanese had hot air balloons with incendiary devices that used the jet stream to travel to the US, and IIRC they actually started a few minor fires...
actually, ive changed my mind to thinking its radar :) seen a programme about recently and its convinced me

and can i just say that from a strategic point of view, pearl harbour was a failure
Two things. Battle of Britian for halting any chance of an invasion into england and going a ways to gaining air-supremecy needed for D-Day.

And cracking the Enigma. Without this, U-boats would likely have "starved" England to defeat by sinking war materials needed by that country.
I also think that Cracking the Enigma Code had the most effect on winning WW2 , as most of the time we knew what the Germans were upto , and not forgetting that the Americans , were decoding the Japanese Enigma Codes .


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
and remember, the germans were going to get the mexicans to declair war on America, but because we cracked the code, we got them on our side

btw, the B-17 is CRAP!!!!!!!!!!

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