What's the last thing you ate??

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I amde a special meal for my girlfriend's vacation return: Shark steaks with mushroom and vegetable sauce and potatoes. It was great! She said it was like from some fish restaurants. 8)
What kind of shark was it, and how did you prepare it? I'm just curious because I've tried Mako and it tasted awful. :mad:
I'm not sure how they cooked it, I can't remember. I think it was broiled.
Fish all kinds = grill it !

Salmon especially....

just had some Bishof's Brot mit a wonderful German Spätlese Weisse wein von Zilliken.

Crippen I wonder how English McDonalds compares with the US ? Danish burgers- Mikie D's are puke...........
Nonskimmer said:
What kind of shark was it, and how did you prepare it? I'm just curious because I've tried Mako and it tasted awful. :mad:
I'm not sure how they cooked it, I can't remember. I think it was broiled.

I dunno cuz i threw out the sack yet... I forgot the name but some kinda shark that is overreproduced, said the writings on the pack.

I normally took it out from the freezer --> it was 2 halves with a cut backbone and with skin --> I put it into a plastic bowl, flaked it with salt, pepper and fish grill spices --> heated up a pan with small amount of oil on it --> inserted cut onions, champignons mushrooms and leek --> inserted the meat and fried until the meat became slightly gold (originally it is yellowish-white) --> then we ate it. It was really yummy! I like to experiment in the recent times. Allways when I'm cooking (which is very frequently last two months, cuz I have holidays) I experiment. Three days ago I was cooking chicken legs in sweet-sour sauce - I have saliva drooling out of my mouth even when I'm thinking of that great taste...... I love cooking! :D

Today update:

Egg mix with champignons and leek
Noodle soup
Czech stinky cheese Romadur
A whole pack of triangle cheese Happy Cow
a paprika
6x a carrot
garlic chips
red kidney benas with vinegar, salt and sugar - somewhat a poor salad

...and still hungry :rolleyes:
Ohhh, you know what goes into those McDonalds burgers. I avoid such places like the plague.
Medvedya said:
Ohhh, you know what goes into those McDonalds burgers. I avoid such places like the plague.

Med if you ate my cooking hon, McDonalds would be the least of your problems. Trust me that is true... my daughter said the other night mmm! burnt fish fingers yum!!

I ate a pizza earlier and I am just drinking Guinness and black ( trying to put weight on (there mustn't be alot of cals in burnt food :rolleyes: ).
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