Where did the hell all the smileys gone?

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2nd Lieutenant
Nov 3, 2004
Praga Mater Urbium
Hey what happened to the forum...?
Not only it is worst and less bright then the old design but even it doesn't feature smileys....

I'm sad with this...
Strange... The tags probably work but the pictures aren't installed (or associated yet)...
Between "Here is a try:" and ":lol:", there is several smiley tags inserted....
Actually im really disliking the new forum style, too complex...the feature for showing where new posts are isnt nearly apparent enough, there's too much wasted space at the sides, the avatar area and username at the side of the posts is too large and the posting area too small, theres only 15 posts to each page, clicking the main title for a thread takes you to the first page and not the last, and theres generally too much going on on screen at once...If I was a person looking to join id be put off entirely with this new set-up...It seemed ok looking at the beta but in practise is far inferior to the old style...
I figured that out just now which makes it slightly better, but the vital things still suck...some forums are saying theres new posts when there arent, and some are saying there are when there isnt...

Really disliking this style...
yes i've noticed the new post notifications are that noticable and often wrong, and i wouldn't mind seeing a link back to the other forums at the bottom of the page as well as the top, other than that i like it............
Bring 'em back!


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