Where to go to see Aircraft in Germany ?

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Oct 10, 2008
Pax River Maryland
Sometime in June I will be doing a business trip to Frankfurt Germany. I will be there for three weeks. I have to work during the week but will have weekends off to go site seeing. Besides the normal site seeing I would love to visit some air museums/historic sites etc. Any help would be appreciated. I would even post photos of the planes/places I visit on this site.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I don´t really know to where the "Koblenz-Collection" has moved to...
There are some museums in Germany where you can see old tanks..
But the best of all ist the "Panzermuseum Munster". This is also "official supported" and you can see there a lot of tanks.. including Panther, Jagdpanther, Königstiger etc....
The following link of the museum is unfortunately in german.. But i think you will come clear with it
Stadt Munster - Home
I really recommend the Sinsheim museum as well as the Luftwaffe Museum. There are also some really great aircraft to view at that he Deutsches Museum in Munich.

I have always wanted to visit that museum. I will try and make a trip to it this summer.
Thanks for the rapid replies and links.
I am really starting to get excited about mapping out my weekends now(I will be able to site-see Germany for three weekends total). I have even showed some of the links to some co-workers who will be also going and they liked the idea seeing some of the places you guys have shown me.

thank again

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