D4Y1 wins hands down. It's faster than any other dive bomber, can carry 500 kg bomb, has great range and flight characteristics. It's only weakness is the engine requireing liquid cooling. It allowed to build aerodynamically clean machine but in combat over ocean and AA defense of allied ships even a small damage to cooling system could lead to loss of the machine.
Only problem is that D4Y1 wasn't really there in 1942, 2 were assigned to Soryu during Midway events, but only as recce. As it turned out due to some issues with diving and structural limits aircraft was only used for reconnaissance in 1942. A dive bombing version came out only at the end of 1942 or beginning of 1943 and did not reach frontlines until last few months of 1943. Before that Navy could rely only on D3A, though in 1942 there was D3A2 pushed to replace all D3A1s.
Anyway, contrary to what a BLine said, no dive bomber could defend itself. That certain pilots could do so, once in a while, doesnt change the pattern. Best defense of a bomber is its speed and escorts. Period.
Only problem is that D4Y1 wasn't really there in 1942, 2 were assigned to Soryu during Midway events, but only as recce. As it turned out due to some issues with diving and structural limits aircraft was only used for reconnaissance in 1942. A dive bombing version came out only at the end of 1942 or beginning of 1943 and did not reach frontlines until last few months of 1943. Before that Navy could rely only on D3A, though in 1942 there was D3A2 pushed to replace all D3A1s.
Anyway, contrary to what a BLine said, no dive bomber could defend itself. That certain pilots could do so, once in a while, doesnt change the pattern. Best defense of a bomber is its speed and escorts. Period.