who killed ar-zarkawi?

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Adler I think you are right ! some old oriental looking guy with multiple skin grafts has been rippin up the pavement in Japan and the SE orient and now wants a bid on the Daytona 500. Funny when he gets in the car he mutters almost silently ........ "wemember Prl-Arbor

hey doesn't Al Gore own AOL. A meaning Al

he does claim to have invented the internet. the guy is running for the Demo ticket come 2008 ............ yes, I sure want to vote this hmmmmmmmm chap in
The race between him and Bush when it comes to brains is very close to 0. I think that Al Gore tries to win Bush by looking at who is the greattest idiot of them all, but Bush is the one that always comes back with even more stupid things to say and do. He he he, they all are idiot, politicians that is.
Hendrik you have to understand OUr bran of US politics, had Gore got in instead of Bush what do you think would of happened after 9-11 ? not a bloody thing he owuld of followed the make of Willis footsteps and tried to talk his way out ......... the sap cannot even wipe his own *** without someone being present.

Understand that I do not agree with all of Pres Bush's ideals and when we got started over in the mid-east with Bush Senior and he declared "one world order" I thought I was going to do a triple back flip off the roof ; where was this bozo going to take our servicemen ? Well here we are I believe for a very long duration or till the end of time and I have been waiting for us to get involed for many many years. Who will be next in 2008, can say for almost fact if Hillary gets the ticket and wins our folk will be back which would be great but watch out what happens to the inner-US of A. We will get tagged for a fact and probably more than once. I want a pres who is going to kick their *** off the face of the world so we can get back to peace and poutting our Country in some sort of shape besides getting us all back to work .........ok enough of my rant

I vote Lesofprimus for Pres ! time for the wup-*** can in the mid-east ~ Iran, Syria, Lebanon and our good buddies Saudia Arabia. this is just a start
Yes, I see what you mean and like I said I think they both are idiots. But Bush has better people working for him and he can think a bit, but he surly knows when to make is name @sshole. Well I just hope you guys get a great presidant for once. I must say that great leaders are not plentyfull now a days and it really sucks that such idiots can think they can run a country.

I agree with what you said Erich and I say that Les would be a great Pres, he wont take any sh*t from anyone.
for that you just elected man ..........

your acceptance speech can be as shsort as you want Les. Politicians, F*** em all. And you know what I can hear the chant 4 more years acomin
Back on topic...

I believe it was F-16C's that did the job. It's what the news said, but I'd trust you folks over them anyday.
Active military personnel can't be identified for fear of reprisal of their families. I was in dialogues with both the USAF and Navy Top Gun school award winners in 2001 to have Q A with readers of a web site I worked for. After 9/11 they politely declined both separately answering that they couldn't answer anything about the combat capabilities of their aircraft due to the fact that hostilities had begun.

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